Card Forces

Aug 31, 2007
Thanks for your replies guys!...about the classic force personally i dont think it works that much whenever i tried it they end up picking cards next to the force card or somewhere around that area. some really suspicious people even ask me to spread farther!... if that happens i just perform another trick that doesnt require forcing a card

- Jenai
Yeah it all really depends on the person you are performing for. If the spectator doesn't listen and just digs their fingers down lower in the spread and grabs a card..yeah not gonna go over so well.

The classic force use to be the only force I ever used and then I haven't used it in a while and now ...bleh I'm kind of only decent at it. It takes a bit of muscle memory to know exactly where the card is your spreading and coordinating the spreading with the timing of their finger.

I never used the

"touch the card to the spectators finger" idea

I always timed it.


Jan 14, 2010
I have just recently tried to start using the classic force and it seems like I always run into the same problem. The spectator always tries to dig into the pack like they already know exactly which card they want. It's very frustrating but I'm going to keep trying and hopefully get it down.
Apr 27, 2009
hey guys,
my favourite force is a force i created by myself. i was never watching this force by any other magician. i call it the "devils force". it looks that way: you spread the cards and let a spectator choose a card...any card, with a normal deck. there are no funny moves, you just spread the cards. they will choose a card, and boom, it is the forced card. (no force deck;))
greatings, heini:)
Apr 27, 2009
oh bro!
i hate the classic force. why? because for me, personal, the classic force is not safe enough if you really want force a card.
like i said, i dont know if the force exist, but i really dont think just spread the card and the spectator could really really pic up any card they want, but it is forced. in my eyes, the most natural way it could be without gaffs.
greetings, heini;)
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Do you have a video or something up? sounds like to see what it looks like

Sounds similar to a spread-cull type force, if it's not a classic force.

If it's a new method, is as clean as you claim, and works 100% without any wasted movements then I'd also like to see it.
Apr 27, 2009
i do not have a video now, but i can make if you want.
where can i post it? is ist allowed to post it with a link in this forum?
greetings, heini;)
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
You can make a performance video, and post the link. An instructional one would have to be private, if you decide to make one of those the link can be sent via PM, and it'd probably be better if you used vimeo and had a password.

I just want to see it in performance, I don't know about the others, but I enjoy watching good magic without knowing the secret just as much as learning secrets.
Sep 1, 2007
I just want to see it in performance, I don't know about the others, but I enjoy watching good magic without knowing the secret just as much as learning secrets.

Totally agree with you! Love to see a performance of the force as well.
Jul 13, 2009
Edmonton, Canada
oh bro!
the spectator could really really pic up any card they want, but it is forced
greetings, heini;)

I don't know about your force but there's one very similar to yours and the classic force released by Jay Sankey where you spread the cards, the spec can touch any card and yet it is the force card. In my opinion the most convincing force that i know of
Apr 27, 2009
I don't know about your force but there's one very similar to yours and the classic force released by Jay Sankey where you spread the cards, the spec can touch any card and yet it is the force card. In my opinion the most convincing force that i know of
yes, it is very similar to the force you told. (i am wondering, that sankey published something convincing without any gimmicks:D)
Sep 1, 2007
hey guys,
my favourite force is a force i created by myself. i was never watching this force by any other magician. i call it the "devils force". it looks that way: you spread the cards and let a spectator choose a card...any card, with a normal deck. there are no funny moves, you just spread the cards. they will choose a card, and boom, it is the forced card. (no force deck;))
greatings, heini:)

I just remember Daniel Garcia's force in timeline 2.0 fits that description. I forgot the name of the force though.
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