Card Sleights DVD

Mar 9, 2008
Is there a dvd that goes through all the card sleights like card college. I cant seem to learn well from books so is there any dvds that go through sleights except daryls encyclopedia of card sleights?
Oct 13, 2008

This set sucks if you ask me. Paul Wilson is a nice guy but boring as hell. A book is way better.


It's impossible to find a product like that. People write books on bottom deal alone. You need to know what type of sleight you are into at the first place. At least - gambling or magic. Then it will be possible to recommend something. You current skill level is also very important.
If you're intrested, has ebook versions of Card College 1&2 with videos embedded, Roberto doing the sleights.

If already have the ebooks, there is a seperate CD-rom with the vids in it.

If you want a sample of the work, simply go to "free ebooks", you'll find parts from volumes 1&2, with some videos in them.

Hope this helps,
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