Card table pass.

Aug 18, 2013
Thanks everyone this has been very helpful in my quest for the perfect table pass
And special thanks to the_dude42 for his wonderful performances.

Nov 5, 2013
I have tried the Ping Pong shift but after careful examination determined it was unnecessary to learn. In the right hands it is probably miraculous. Those hands aren't mine.

I had the chance to see Guy do his deal pass. It was very neat but by his own admission it was just something he played with. Not something with wonderful cover or a really practical use. Just a great exploration of opportunities to shift a deck.
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Aug 18, 2013
I have tried the Ping Pong shift but after careful examination determined it was unnecessary to learn. In the right hands it is probably miraculous. Those hands aren't mine.

I had the chance to see Guy do his deal pass. It was very neat but by his own admission it was just something he played with. Not something with wonderful cover or a really practical use. Just a great exploration of opportunities to shift a deck.
Yeah…I feel somewhat the same way (In regards to Ping-Pongs shift) but I just can't seem to tear myself away from it, due to things like this ( by the alway amazing JOEYFX) I feel an urge to practice and master this incredibly impractical yet still amazing, piece of shift.

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