Cardistry Collaboration Contest 2009 - Starts Now

Aug 19, 2008
Texas flourishers

This looks awesome. Searching for any and all flourishers in and around Austin, TX. All skill levels appreciated.
Victorious Secret... ENGAGE!!!!

Shooting complete.


What are you talking about? We didn't even shoot anything yet. But I just broke my thumb after practicing my 17 packet display so I think we're gonna have to disband and wait for next year's CCC.

So that means, less competition, less hard work and less worrying for those that didn't film yet.

... ;)
You granny resembles Kate...or does Kate resemble your Granny? Nvm, that answered my question of whether or not Mitchell is on your team.

No, I'm not in mitchell's team anymore. I just said before that I broke my thumb while practicing the 17 packet display(no perching). The asian guy on that photo resembles a lot to me cuz he is my twin brother. Unfortunately he can only do charliers and a ugly werm so I hope that it won't happen again next year. *sigh* And kate was sick so mitchell thought that her grandmother looked like kate so he asked her to come to film the CCC video.


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