Cerca Trova

Sep 1, 2007
Ceres, Ca.
I like the weekend idea also, one of my concerns was, at my age, I sometimes need more than a day to form a coherent thought and then I need some more time to reduce that thought to a few concise sentences that can be understood by those who would take the time to read it.

Do you have a set of topics ready to present?

Trevor - I wasn't familiar with Midnight Sessions, so I just went over & took a look at it, & from what I can tell, it looks like it is some kind of exclusive forum that is only open to certain people. I'm not sure what the purpose or goal of their forum is, but ours is to allow anyone who wants to participate some time to prepare & then discuss some serious issues within our art.

If the Midnight Sessions is the same... Great! I think that the more we can come together & engage in a serious discussion, the more we can begin to move our art forward & start to solve some of the problems that plague us.

Either way, back to the question at hand: Would meeting once a month be a better idea than meeting every week?

Thanks for the clear up Wayne. It just seemed similar to the Midnight Sessions if not going into the facts. I think this will be a great idea, as long as it doesn't get flooded with useless things. But hopefully that's manageable.

Thanks again man,

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