CIG by Simon

Aug 19, 2013
Hello to all forum members! My name is Simon and I want to show you an effect that I'm goint to send to The Wire in the next days. This is a trick that I've created some days ago after two months working on it. This is just a trailer that I've made.

So, please comment what do you think about it?

Thanks a lot and please comment...

Jarrod F.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
The move where the folded card passes through the deck is nice. However, there is a spot in the trailer where there is an inconsistency. After you place the selection under the glass and place the sharpie on the deck, the sharpie is facing the other way after the cut scene. I'm curious if there is a move that has to be done that wasn't shown in between these two scenes. You don't want the trailer to be misleading for whoever is intending to buy it. Also, if there aren't any other variations of this in case you don't happen to have an empty glass with you or it doesn't fit the setting, maybe you could include one or two. One other thing is that although I did mention the nice moment where the folded card passes through the deck, what's the motivation for it? Make sure that even if something looks cool, there's a reason for doing it. It definitely has potential as a nice effect but I think the part where the card passes through the deck could be used in another effect or the presentation of the effect could be changed slightly. Otherwise it looks good to me and keep up the good work.
Aug 19, 2013
Jarrod, I will tell why I have some cuts in the performance, that's why because i'm not a good video editor, I don't know how to cut videos so i prefer to cut the video and put some text.
In the complete performance of the effect I show it while am talking, presenting the effect, and it fits perfectly because I say that I always want to keep my favourite card (blank one) secure where noone can touch it so i make it go inside the glass, secure. But, anyone can perform it their own way, it's the same. You don't need to have the glass with you, if you are at a house you can just borrow one, or if you perform restaurant magic, at the tables, there will be always a glass.
Thanks for the review...
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Dec 5, 2013
This looks pretty cool. I agree with Jarrod that the deck penetration looks very nice. And in response to Jarrod's comment on the justification, I can think of lots of patter that could justify that. I not sure if would buy it (I have a limited magic budget) but it certainly looks new and different). Other than the prepared blank card, is there a gimmick? How is the reset and practicality?
Aug 19, 2013
Hi Isaac, thanks for your comment! Yes, there is another gimmick but it's not difficult to make and it's really original. The reset takes half of a minute and it's practical.
Thanks and keep commenting!
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