Classic Pass

Aug 22, 2021
So I learned my classic pass from a tutorial by Alex Pandrea, it was the free version that he put on YouTube that went over the very basics of the classic pass. It was decent but obviously it wasn't meant to be entirely what you learned your classic pass from. I've been using it for a little while but i'm not satisfied with it and DEFINETELY wouldn't use it in front of a spectator. I'm looking to find a really good tutorial that goes over all of subtleties of the move and just overall teaches it well. So I was just wondering where you guys learned your classic pass and what tutorial you'd recommend for learning it. Thanks!
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
Nov 3, 2018
I don't own that particular one, but would second Gabriel's recommending Jason England's tutorials. His technique is excellent and his teaching wonderfully clear.

As for using the pass in performance - regardless of who you learn from, it will take a long while to get it down well enough to use under fire, and much of what you'd do with a pass can be done by easier and safer means. Not to say you shouldn't practice it, but know that it will take a lot of time and dedication.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 2015
California, USA
Two comments on that front, first of which being time. It takes a while before a pass can be done invisibly under the spectator's nose, so I'd say first get it down so you can use it with a bit of misdirection (which can just be a bit of conversation) so no one notices the movement. The second tip I can give is to work on adding a cover to your pass. There are several ways to do this, my go-to being the dribble pass. This is where you dribble the cards to create an excuse for bringing your hands into that position and masking the movement you do. Pretty sure I first learned this from 52kards on youtube. Really clean in my opinion and I don't feel like the added dribble draws any suspicion to what you're doing with your hands. Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any questions!
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