As I said earlier, it's a beautiful thing to be able to discuss such fantastic moves and I have no problems against it whatsoever.
However, when the topic is constantly harrassed with unneeded comments by certain members, I don't think it's very fair to both the creator or his move. Which is why I said the topic should have been removed from the start; it was built upon an unfair and ill-treated post.
Just my thoughts,
Jordan is right, open discussions about moves are welcome but I think you should be discussing only after it is released...
Anyone who says they came up with their own 'original' method for the Clip Shift is fundamentally wrong because all they did was come up with is a method to emulate a move which they saw.... e.g. you can't really claim a move like that to be yours if you tried to copy something else in the first place (unless of course it's a totally different method).
Also saying that its all for the love and fun of our artform also isn't quite right.
How would you like it if you came up with a new sleight and people are just copying it and playing around with it before you actually published it? Chances are someone will just rip you off eh?