Jul 17, 2015
Ive recently taken on the study of coin magic... and ive been reading J.B Bobo Modern Coin magic in hopes to find this effect that i got me interested in coin.

Its by a magician named DMC... If anyone could tell me or point me to the right direction. I would greatly appreciate it.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
Almost everything you need for this is in Bobo's. Garrett Thomas also adds a bit with Imagination Coins and David Stone teaches part of this as well.
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Apr 26, 2013
I have a question about this sleight
What happens if while they stack the coins the gimmick moves into place and they see only three coins before the imagination part of the set up begins

How do you stop this from happening ??
Jul 17, 2015
I have a question about this sleight
What happens if while they stack the coins the gimmick moves into place and they see only three coins before the imagination part of the set up begins

How do you stop this from happening ??
The thing that ive learned from Juan Tamariz/s book "Five points in Magic" is to be able to control the audience. By either misdirection or eye contact.
You don't call any attention to the coins as you stack them and have them close their hands. Which wont engage their mind into even thinking about feeling the coins because visually. It has registered in their minds that there should be 4 coins.
The attention goes to the single coin thats in your hand thats about to make the transposition.

DMC's version has them closing their hand before the magic even happens. And Garret Thomas provides a tip in his DVD Imagination coins on the performance.
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