Coin Shells

Oct 29, 2009
Just around
Hey guys! I was curious if you guys know of any other coin shells of high quality that aren't too expensive. I know Schoolcraft has some of the best, and I would love to get his Walking Liberty shell, but it's 75 bucks. A bit too much for me. Any help would be appreciated.

Sep 6, 2009
I would get a Johnson shell... they're not too expensive, and they will do fine.

Once you've gotten used to the Johnson, you might want to invest in something like a Schoolcraft or Lassen set.
Nov 13, 2009
Thanks Scarecrow for starting this thread! I was just about to ask the exact same question. lol :) Okay so I have couple questions to add to this,

My first question is I have heard that shells break really easy if you drop them even only a little ways is this true?

Thanks Chaseman that was a great link I am thinking of getting it! I was wonder why would you want to pay for a expensive shell from Schoolcraft when you could just like get for $15?

Are their certian shells for certain tricks or does one shell work for almost any trick that requires a shell?

How important is the size of the shell?

Do all shells work for coin-one dvd sold on this site?

Sorry for all my questions but I have been seriously condering purchasing a shell but I want to know what to look for.

Thanks all for the help,

Sep 6, 2009
Christian, yes, all shells work with Coin 1. However, if you've never owned a shell before, that routine might be a little advanced for you.

Also, the difference between a Roy Keuppers shell and a Schoolcraft or Lassen set, is quality. The Keuppers one is expanded, and might rattle. The Schoolcraft Dean set has Re-Milled edges, and fits more snugly.

I would recommend a Johnson shell. It's about $30. It's better quality than Keupper's shells, and a little less quality than a $175 Schoolcraft shell. It's a great compromise, it will treat you well.
Nov 13, 2009
Thanks, Willabbotsm very helpful info! I will definatly check into a Johnson. Okay so I do have experience with some coin work. I use alot of impromptu coin work stuff like coins across vanishes and stuff like that. But I am realizing the power of using a shell and the possiblities but I have never really plunked down the money but know I am really thinking of doing it.

Okay you answered all my questions but know I have a couple of more lol thanks for all your help,

Okay so my question is will a basic shell like a Johnson's work for routines like Daniel Garcia's personal safe routine?

And will a cheaper shell break really easy I have heard a copule of horror stories of shells breaking after being dropped short distances or being carried in pocket and slammed with phone or what ever while bouncin around.

Thanks so much for all your help,

Sep 1, 2007
Cleveland, Ohio
Hey guys! I was curious if you guys know of any other coin shells of high quality that aren't too expensive. I know Schoolcraft has some of the best, and I would love to get his Walking Liberty shell, but it's 75 bucks. A bit too much for me. Any help would be appreciated.


Roy Keuppers, Ive used his for many years now. Great stuff and price.
Nov 13, 2009
Hey guy's,

So I have decided to buy a coin shell. Whats the final word?

Should I get Johnsons for good quality?

Should I get Roy Keuppers Shell or will this one rattle too much or will the coin get stuck in the shell?

What is the difference between the two? Will both work for most routines like Daniel Garcias Your Personal Safe and coin one? Also should I get a shell with the front of a half dollar on it or the back? How easy will either shell break? Will the shells bend in my pocket?

Thanks so much for the help and sorry for my many questions,

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