Competition: First Phase

Nov 10, 2007
generally anyone with a name like "magic man/guy/dude" followed by a sequence of numbers will upload crappy videos. Just generally.

But for your little spat with ajohnson, ease up, he was obviously trying to help you. If you know that this is what you have to work on then ignore his help. You asked for advice and he gave it to you. If your issue is with having to read it twice, then why waste the time responding to him. Your time can't be that valuable...

You should learn to take criticism better or stop asking for it (I'm not only referring to this threads, but other times when you have wined about people giving you bad criticism)

Victor Cruz

That was like 7 months ago, and I apologized and have done it since, I am not wining about what he said I was simply stating he did not read anyones post, and I did not think anything else he said s helpful, I am going to lie to him and tell him what he said was the best advice I ever received no.
Just a question but why would that mean someone is bad, if they have a certain #, thats just weird people would think that in my opinion.
Dec 10, 2007
I think it was more like 3 months ago, but I've been gone since march, so it cold have even been later than that.

But to answer your question about the screen name: it's not the number you put in it, it's the extremely unoriginal name that preceeds it. It's just that a certain type of "magician" will tend to pick that name. So it's not that the name makes you bad, but rather that the people that choose that name usually are.
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