Giobbi's Card College does that. I have coin magic books that do that
Oh no! Well... Since I can't edit my original post there, this is what I meant...
No source OTHER THAN BOOKS mentions those intrictae details. (That's what I meant)
But I will always recommend that as soon as someone determines that magic/mystery arts is something they want to pursue with any degree of seriousness, they should abandon YouTube for pretty much all purposes other than seeing how a sleight they just can't quite wrap their head around is done. And viewing performances, of course, if that's your thing.
I agree.
The blessing in disguise type comments sound good to people not with my background, but fail miserably to many of those who lived it.
I agree with this to. Having an 'obstruction' (using this term loosely) and talking about having the benefits of an 'obstruction' are two different things. But poverty isn't the only issue here. There issue is also availability in different countries, there relative prices in different places, which sounds like grumbling, but it isn't a nice feeling when one has spent years learning magic and somebody else who has an inferior knowledge of magic overall (not just sleights) trumps the former just because they managed to get their hands on the latest amazing trick sold by companies or people.
I'm not saying everything should be free. I'm saying that it's a fact that certain people have to deal with this problem and honestly, it isn't as exciting to deal with as pointed out above.
Which reminds me, even gameplay videos on You Tube attracted a lot of negative press and criticism, because they were revealing everything about the game, some gamers were accidentally discovering and thus showing everybody cheat codes, and whatnot. But to this date there hasn't been a gameplay video I've watched which hasn't made me want to play that same game!
I'm aware this analogy applies better to magic performances, but as far as I see it, it applies to magic-teaching videos too.
If you look at the magic industry and only see prices, you're missing the community part of it.
I had growing up is parents who taught me to believe that I could do anything I set my mind to.
I have this type of parents too, the only difference being that mine add a modification to the advice:-
"If your set your mind to it, you can do anything---you can become a doctor, and engineer or a civil service officer!"
the kid who reads, studies, struggles and thinks about everything on Learned Pig Project and other free resources, the kid who just learns from YouTube or the kid whose parents buy him 30 single trick downloads?
The kid with the greatest love of magic.
That is one reason Youtube is not the best tool.
It isn't really. It's just a tool.
Pay attention to who are encouraging people to learn from resources other than YouTube. They are the ones on this forum that patiently teach the theory of performance. We don't get paid for that. Why do we do it? Because we love magic and want to see people learn to perform it correctly.
I actually disagree. In my opinion, you and the other helpful people on this forum whose help I and many others have often used, are more knowledgable due to more experience. I wouldn't think it's a direct result of discarding You Tube as a source entirely.
To be clear if there is a diamond in a piece of crap I don’t throw it all away, nor do I keep it all.
Also true. I'm here to exploit all sorts of crap and get all those diamonds!
(Not talking only about You Tube however. Some books are pretty outdated too.)
My idea is this You Tube vs Magic argument, though a huge reply-and-post-generator on all forums and comment sections, is a discussion I'm waiting to expire completely (like the -cardistry is not magic -discussion ).
The people who use You Tube as the only source won't suddenly discard it, the ones who use You Tube occassionally won't start using it full-time or discard it completely, there will still be exposure videos on You Tube and those who view it, the people who dislike You Tube won't suddenly start hailing it as the mother of all sources of knowledge.
And it doesn't matter.
Because it DOESN'T MATTER.
The way I'm viewing it as, (if we personified magic) Magic sitting and laughing/bored that us puny mortals are even treating this as an issue. Because to me, it makes no difference.
The only reason why this debate should crop up is when somebody's creations are unfairly used/stolen, and they wish to bring it to people's notice and take action. Other than this, dear topic, please die.