I'm really excited over this effect.
You know what's weird, not a lot of laymen know the old ball under the arm trick. The only reason why I don't use that is because walking around with a rubber ball under your arm is not all that comfortable.
I did do it once to my older cousin and the idiot thought if you hold your breathe, your heart stops. I told him to do it to himself then, and he said, "Yeah I'm right, I can't feel my pulse when I hold my breathe." I got my sister to take his pulse for him and to see if she could feel his pulse when he held his breathe. She said yeah she could feel it, but my cousin was so thick headed and said no, I really can't feel it. My sister called him stupid and we walked away. - funny stuff.
Sorry to get into story mode just then, but a post reminded me of that.
Anyway, I'm really excited for Control and I know Wayne, Danny, and Randall worked really hard on this release.
Oh yeah - to get more off topic, my birthday is the 27th. -2 days after the release of Control.