Coolest Invention in Magic

Who in here uses the junior size D'Lites?

My buddy works for them and sent me a box full of them (all sizes and colors too), and I have 1 set of junior size left. Not sure if they're the color morph ones or red ones, but I'll go ahead and send them to whomever PM's me first, postage paid. :)
Sep 1, 2007
I think ET or US2K are some of the coolest,

coin gaffs are FREAKN AWESOME though.

It's got to be a gimmick though, because they enable you to get SO CLOSE to real magic.

Aug 31, 2007
Some of the coin gaffs out there are seriously some of the coolest inventions I have seen. I remember when I bought my first folding coin (way before it was used as a bite-out coin), I was really amazed by the idea. Seriously, who thinks up stuff like the folding coin? :eek:
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