Alright, a lot of you need to understand something and understand it quickly. I am not saying all TV magicians, but definitely in Cyril's case, he is an outstanding magician and technician.
However, in order to make the big bucks with magic, you have to sacrifice a little bit of the pureness to the art (the millions of hard to master techniques, etc...) and add a little bit of showbiz. But, I can guarantee that Cyril puts in the time honing his skills.
I have seen nearly all of his live TV specials, TV series (I live in Japan, they are easy to track down), and his skills range from card, coin, cigarette, silks, rubber bands, stage, pretty much everything.
So, better check yourself when you say crap like, "I am a magician, Cyril is just and entertainer." What you should be saying, "Cyril is both a skilled magician and highly successful entertainer."