
Aug 31, 2007
Only one of which Cyril has done. How much of his stuff have you seen? He does a lot of sleight of hand as well, and his handling of effects I know is so clean I can't catch him.

I haven't really seen any because I haven't been searching for anything by him, I just had a bad first impression i guess
Sep 1, 2007
Poor c3rb3rus, no one seems to be answering his question. I am also someone who is very interested in knowing the origins of this effect. I have been searching myself c3rb3rus, but to no avail. I really wanted to know, because I posted a video of myself doing the trick on YouTube (over 90,000 views now, go me! :D) and I wished to credit the creator. I ended giving credit to Cyril himself, but I am pretty sure he did not invent this routine.
Sep 1, 2007
Poor c3rb3rus, no one seems to be answering his question. I am also someone who is very interested in knowing the origins of this effect. I have been searching myself c3rb3rus, but to no avail. I really wanted to know, because I posted a video of myself doing the trick on YouTube (over 90,000 views now, go me! :D) and I wished to credit the creator. I ended giving credit to Cyril himself, but I am pretty sure he did not invent this routine.

I already said it's available from The Spook Club.
Dec 21, 2007
Yigal Mesika does has something like this, It's called the Boomerand Card.
Shoot a card out 10ft and have it come back to you.
Its 15$ at
under the products.

.Your Welcome
..................."The kid with the hands that have no shadows"
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