wow. really good job. (^^)b
and it's amazing that there's no SLIT!!!
yeah, shawn's ACR is amazing, he actually has too ACR type routines, one with that ending, which i saw at magi-fest, made half the room gasp like school girls watching the UFC, and his other ACR type routine is set to music, a song called Shape of My Heart by sting, but its heavily modified and its one of the most beautiful pieces of magic ive ever seen. definitely look into Shawn's work.
this effect works perfectly fine with a slit
but then you can't really let the spectators open it
With my method, you can let them take the box home sealed and open it at home if they want lol
it's totally shocked me.
And, now, I am dying of curiosity.
maybe, I think I would have a headache...