Friends over at Theory11,
We are extending an opportunity to you as friends of First let me introduce myself. My name is Lyle Borders. I am the Online Projects Manager at To keep it simple, I am the guy who runs the contests there. Over here on Therory11, you will have known me as Segachtek. Since Dan and Dave are both Theory11 Artists and we all have close ties here, we are extending to you the opportunity to participate in an epic contest that is going on right now.
Card cheats, dust off your copies of Erdnase’s Expert at the Card Table. If you don’t have one, get to to view the material for free. This card cheat’s bible has been around for quite some time, and nobody even knows who S. W. Erdnase actually was (possibly a man named E. S. Andrews, S. W. Erdnase in reverse) but the material in it was and still is groundbreaking. It is THE definitive source for all things dealing with card cheating and sleights. Everyone who is anyone owns and uses this book to improve their card handling.
Let your mind dream for a moment. Imagine that Expert at the Card Table did not exist. YET. Imagine you are a part of E. S. Andrew’s team of creative directors preparing to release the modern day version of Expert at the Card Table. Whether it is the same book, or today’s DVD equivalent, it does not matter. You are the creator’s right hand man. Being a very secretive guy, he hates the camera, but he needs a groundbreaking trailer worthy of his groundbreaking material. YOU are in charge of making this trailer. You will be his hand double, showing on the video the card cheating techniques that he would show.
There it is. Create a trailer for Expert at the Card Table. Make it awesome. Make it smooth. Make it deceptive. Show the future purchaser of Expert at the Card Table exactly what the sleights look like (or rather what the sleights DON’T look like, if you catch my drift.) The winner of this competition will have to be full of all sorts of amazing in order to win. Here come the rules.
No time limit. Just remember, if it ends up being too long and gets boring, you are not going to win.
You must show ONLY sleights from Expert at the Card Table. Not all of them, but whatever variety you wish. It would not hurt to have a good selection from all sections.
ALL parts of your video count. You need to demonstrate skill first and formost, but editing skills and stylistic choices will have a big impact on your score.
All sleights must be presented the way Erdnase describes. No variations allowed. We aren’t going to be Nazis about exact finger positions and the like, but do it like Erdnase.
Every sleight must be accompianed by in video text or voice, naming each sleight as it is performed. Text is probably the easiest an best, but don’t make it look stupid.
All in all, we are looking for an intense video that would make someone want to buy Expert at the Card Table. We are looking for creativity and thought. We are looking for technical ability. We are looking for an epic representation of how this trailer would look if it was created and released in our day.
Since we are just now extending this to you here at Theory11, we will be adjusting the initial date. We want everyone to have plenty of time to do this. We will give you at least two weeks, possibly longer. I will be back to you soon with a final date. To keep up on the contest updates, follow the team on Twitter. @danbuck @dwbuck, @bucktwins, and of course myself, the person who will be bleeding information on the contest daily, @lyleborders. Not to mention you will hear updates from your very own Theory11 crew, @jraiker and @theory11.
Dave himself is going to be “entering” the contest, not to actually win, but to just participate in this awesomeness. We may also see entries from other very familiar faces in the cardistry world.
Good luck. Get filming.
We are extending an opportunity to you as friends of First let me introduce myself. My name is Lyle Borders. I am the Online Projects Manager at To keep it simple, I am the guy who runs the contests there. Over here on Therory11, you will have known me as Segachtek. Since Dan and Dave are both Theory11 Artists and we all have close ties here, we are extending to you the opportunity to participate in an epic contest that is going on right now.
Card cheats, dust off your copies of Erdnase’s Expert at the Card Table. If you don’t have one, get to to view the material for free. This card cheat’s bible has been around for quite some time, and nobody even knows who S. W. Erdnase actually was (possibly a man named E. S. Andrews, S. W. Erdnase in reverse) but the material in it was and still is groundbreaking. It is THE definitive source for all things dealing with card cheating and sleights. Everyone who is anyone owns and uses this book to improve their card handling.
Let your mind dream for a moment. Imagine that Expert at the Card Table did not exist. YET. Imagine you are a part of E. S. Andrew’s team of creative directors preparing to release the modern day version of Expert at the Card Table. Whether it is the same book, or today’s DVD equivalent, it does not matter. You are the creator’s right hand man. Being a very secretive guy, he hates the camera, but he needs a groundbreaking trailer worthy of his groundbreaking material. YOU are in charge of making this trailer. You will be his hand double, showing on the video the card cheating techniques that he would show.
There it is. Create a trailer for Expert at the Card Table. Make it awesome. Make it smooth. Make it deceptive. Show the future purchaser of Expert at the Card Table exactly what the sleights look like (or rather what the sleights DON’T look like, if you catch my drift.) The winner of this competition will have to be full of all sorts of amazing in order to win. Here come the rules.
No time limit. Just remember, if it ends up being too long and gets boring, you are not going to win.
You must show ONLY sleights from Expert at the Card Table. Not all of them, but whatever variety you wish. It would not hurt to have a good selection from all sections.
ALL parts of your video count. You need to demonstrate skill first and formost, but editing skills and stylistic choices will have a big impact on your score.
All sleights must be presented the way Erdnase describes. No variations allowed. We aren’t going to be Nazis about exact finger positions and the like, but do it like Erdnase.
Every sleight must be accompianed by in video text or voice, naming each sleight as it is performed. Text is probably the easiest an best, but don’t make it look stupid.
All in all, we are looking for an intense video that would make someone want to buy Expert at the Card Table. We are looking for creativity and thought. We are looking for technical ability. We are looking for an epic representation of how this trailer would look if it was created and released in our day.
Since we are just now extending this to you here at Theory11, we will be adjusting the initial date. We want everyone to have plenty of time to do this. We will give you at least two weeks, possibly longer. I will be back to you soon with a final date. To keep up on the contest updates, follow the team on Twitter. @danbuck @dwbuck, @bucktwins, and of course myself, the person who will be bleeding information on the contest daily, @lyleborders. Not to mention you will hear updates from your very own Theory11 crew, @jraiker and @theory11.
Dave himself is going to be “entering” the contest, not to actually win, but to just participate in this awesomeness. We may also see entries from other very familiar faces in the cardistry world.
Good luck. Get filming.