Daniel Garcia's One Hand Vanish

ok ok ok....

i start production for another multi-disc project at the beginning of the new year. Basically what i am doing is placing everything that i wanted to put out on single trick dvd's into a massive hard hitting set. i hope you guys like it.

I need to change underwear now...

haha, can't wait daniel.

I hope to catch another one of your lectures soon... got any coming up on the east coast? (I met you at Twin City).

Sep 24, 2007
EVerything!!!!!!!! Wow that is going to be like... the most amazing project of the last 2 years. Can't wait to see it Danny!

Sep 1, 2007
ok ok ok....

i start production for another multi-disc project at the beginning of the new year. Basically what i am doing is placing everything that i wanted to put out on single trick dvd's into a massive hard hitting set. i hope you guys like it.
Are you going to teach the effects from your Next notes in your DVD set including the O.K. Vanish? Thanks, can't wait!
Oct 16, 2007
complete coin vanish!

well i havent seen daniel garcias vanish yet, but i can say that i have seen some really good one hand vanishes, i myself have at least 2 versions, and i know some guys that also have it ou there. its very hard to find because no one wants to give it away, but if you dig in you will find some cool stuff.
Sep 14, 2007
ok ok ok....

i start production for another multi-disc project at the beginning of the new year. Basically what i am doing is placing everything that i wanted to put out on single trick dvd's into a massive hard hitting set. i hope you guys like it.

film it in toronto
Oct 16, 2007
yes mark he should film it in toronto! that be fun. and i did see his vanish. a buddie of mine has his dvd! but i think he droped the coin. i heard a noise and sounds like a coin fell out of his hand.. !!:confused:
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