(db).bulletin : Split Spade : 2008 Image Awards - WINNERS POSTED

Oct 24, 2007
I have a question concerning the rules of the contest. I already submitted an image and I know we are only allowed one image. The question is, can we submit an image and a video? Peace!



Jan 11, 2008
- My won't attach, and I don't know why?
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ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Some amazing stuff posted already. Keep in mind that we're looking for creativity, so think outside the box when creating your video or image.
Dec 20, 2008

This is my way of showing support for this contest and David. Whether I win or not is not the important thing, and to be honest I really dont expect to, I can only hope that my image inspires everybody to create even more!I hope you all like it. This was done through photoshop, the mirror and candles and lion art are not my personal images, but everything else was created through my own creative vision, there's a lot of things in it if you look that are synonymous with the idea of superstition, from the image of the cracked mirror, to the idea of reflections, to the notion of reversed imagery from the split spades writing to the reversed spelling of superstitious on the mirror, the candles if you look closely are spades which are also synonymous with David. The angels with the numbers four and twenty three are also related to David..I guess they kind of depict guardians and protectors..four being his playing card cartomacy number and twenty three being a special number related to his mother. The raven in some beliefs is related to the 'magician' or trickster, there are lots of different interpretations of that bird and all are interesting. The idea of the mirror came from the notion of the superstition related to mirrors and a book I read about somebody that finds a mirror that shows them their true self and true capabilities. So I thought it would be interesting to portay David looking into this mirror and him seeing himself morphing into a lion..which is why half of his face is David's and half of his face is the Lion ( also related to the Split Spade theme) The image is open for interpretation though ..which I like..because it gives no definite answer of what it is portraying and makes one curious....in ancient times mirrors were believed to show people the true nature of their soul when gazing into them...some can interpret the cracked mirror as bringing seven years of bad luck and seven years for a Soul to spiritually evolve and heal,or some could interpret it as the David's Lions roar cracking the mirror and being fearless to any hard time that may befall him as he will carry and endure on with the heart of a Lion.
All the best and Good Luck Everyone!!

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