(db).bulletin : Split Spade : 2008 Image Awards - WINNERS POSTED

Sep 1, 2007
Wow Jet Lee is pretty damn good. My name is Sang N. I'm a 26yr old from Oregon. Here is my submission. My main focus is on the design of the cards in a display manner. Let me know what you guys think :D


here's an advice
"The most interesting aspects of displays are usually their formation, and how to get out of them." - Erik

For majority of your clips I would like to see how'd you get into the display aswell as out of it
but anyhow I can see that you put effort in the video and wish you the best of luck in hopefully winning :D
Nov 25, 2008
Thanks calen. It was the first time my wife as ever held a camcorder =) a little shakey but with practice it will one day be steady. Are you from Oregon too? I've been looking for more magicians around my area =)
Sep 1, 2007
The deadline is midnight on December 31st, 2008. The winner will be announced, by David, on Wednesday, January 7th.

Lots of great entries so far, good luck everyone!

Alright, very cool. Also, as long as I've got your attention, what is this going to be used for? Is it just an ad, or what?
0 Results