Dealing with spectators.

Feb 17, 2018
Hello all, i know i post probably more than i should but asking something here helps me out a lot.

I'll apologise in advance if this question has been asked before.

I am starting to build up the confidence now to talk to people when I am shopping in my local town (I'm in a little place called Devon in England) and most of the people i talk to are brilliant, i am starting to see how people are when i talk to them to see if they would like to see a trick, most of the time I leave it, but yesterday I actually did a couple tricks for someone and they went fairly well.

I did designed for laughter and a trick i believe is called the Chicago opener (it could have multiple names but that's the only one i remember)

Designed for laughter worked great and it did just that, made the person laugh the next trick ended well but they in their words (had an inkling) that i had picked up more than one card (they didn't actually see me pick 2 cards up) i probably should of stopped but i wanted it to end on a good note so i carried on.

When it came to the end i just put the rest of the cards in the box and the person still had a card under his hand, i said how i am still practicing tricks and how sometimes I will get it wrong, but before I left the shop I asked them if they remembered the card they last saw, they said it and i asked them to look at the one under his hand and he had a look of genuine surprise and shock.

My question is did I handle the situation right or wrong? Explain which one so i can try and improve what i do or say.

Thank you for all of your help so far with advice.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
Hello all, i know i post probably more than i should but asking something here helps me out a lot.

I'll apologise in advance if this question has been asked before.

I am starting to build up the confidence now to talk to people when I am shopping in my local town (I'm in a little place called Devon in England) and most of the people i talk to are brilliant, i am starting to see how people are when i talk to them to see if they would like to see a trick, most of the time I leave it, but yesterday I actually did a couple tricks for someone and they went fairly well.

I did designed for laughter and a trick i believe is called the Chicago opener (it could have multiple names but that's the only one i remember)

Designed for laughter worked great and it did just that, made the person laugh the next trick ended well but they in their words (had an inkling) that i had picked up more than one card (they didn't actually see me pick 2 cards up) i probably should of stopped but i wanted it to end on a good note so i carried on.

When it came to the end i just put the rest of the cards in the box and the person still had a card under his hand, i said how i am still practicing tricks and how sometimes I will get it wrong, but before I left the shop I asked them if they remembered the card they last saw, they said it and i asked them to look at the one under his hand and he had a look of genuine surprise and shock.

My question is did I handle the situation right or wrong? Explain which one so i can try and improve what i do or say.

Thank you for all of your help so far with advice.
You said they were amazed. Spunds to me like you did just fine. There is no right kr wrong really. It is watever works best for you. All you can do is study and practice to get better. You wont truly know what works or doesnt until you hit the streets and perform. Good show my friend!
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Feb 17, 2018
You said they were amazed. Spunds to me like you did just fine. There is no right kr wrong really. It is watever works best for you. All you can do is study and practice to get better. You wont truly know what works or doesnt until you hit the streets and perform. Good show my friend!

Thank you, i have been watching some of your videos through YouTube recently and reading what everyone's advice is through this forum and it does genuinely help me out as I'm trying to figure out what i want to do in the way of tricks and also what my character should be.

At the moment i am being myself as much as I can be but I'm also trying to show that i mess up tricks, I'm not sure what this sort of thing would be called but I'm trying to mix some sort of comedy in with who I am day to day so I'm trying to look up and focus on tricks that look like they have failed but actually it's part of the trick, any advise on those sorts of tricks would be appreciated.
Feb 17, 2018
Those tricks are called “magician in trouble” plots. You really can only perform one of those in a set of effects otherwise you lose credibility.

I get that, it's not something i would make a full routine out of it, I'm just interested to learn a couple so that when I get to the point I can perform a few tricks without any hiccups on my end i can do something that will throw people off or just generally confuse them
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