-Deck Production by Brian Tudor in his Heckler DVD. Its... okay.... I wouldnt use it though
-David Stone has 1 in his Real Secrets of Magic DVD 1. This is for close up.
-Val Valentino has one in his stage performance. This is more for stage or cabaret.
-Brett Daniel also has one in his stage performance. This is for table performances.
-Sudden deck by David Regal is sort of one. This is a pretty cool effect using a gimmick
-Deck Dropper by Trevor Duffy. I have no experience with this. Its a gimmick of some sort.
-Gecko. This works, but it has to be in the box. It does need a refill. Once you get it, you will be quite dissapointed. I reckon you can make your own refills with a little researching.
-Panic by Aaron Fisher. Not a bad effect. It does require a gimmick/gaff of sort. But you do use a normal deck.
-David Stone has a great deck vanish in his Real Secrets of Magic DVD1.
-Mathew Dowden's Party Animal DVD has a good one.
-Derren Brown's Zamiel's Rose. Pretty Nice. I find it a little too risky for my taste as I am not at that good of a level to achieve that yet with confidence.
-Ambilitious by Masuda. This is okay i guess. Requires a gimmick
-Reboxed by Alex Moffat. Can be found in his DVD Illusion through Expectation
-Steve Draun's Deck Vanish can be found in his Standing Room Only DVD. A tad hard.
-Psychological Deck Vanish by James Brown. THis is more for close up.
-Quick Cut Away by Dan Harlan. Very similiar to other versions as well.
-Deck Vanish by Ellis and Webster. In their DVD Ellis in Wonderland. no experience with this.
-Deck Vanish by Paul Harris. This is a classic method. Can be found in his Art of Astonishment books or his Stars of Magic DVD Set(which i highly recommend)
-Card in Ear by Richard Sander. Can be found in his Richard Sanders Show DVD 3. Not bad I guess. Really Sanders Style.
-Deck Vanish by Brian Tudor. Can be found in his Heckler DVD. Once again... its not bad.... I sometimes use this. Its pretty visual.
-Impossible Shuffle by Jerry Andrus. Its not bad. Very visual effect on its own. You cant really change it to make it just a deck vanish though. but who cares, the effect is OMG
-Peak Vanish by Nathan Kranzo. Can be found in Outside the Box DVD. Very Similiar to other effects.
As you can see, there are way more Vanishes than Productions.
These things like producing and vanishing things. All you need to do is practice misdirection, pocketing, or sleeving. Once you got these things down. Youre quickly on your way to do your desired effect. You can open take a deck and put it in your pocket if your misdirection is good enough. And just as a point, its not hard at all. make them look at a card which has change and there you go.
If you do want to go further then you can look for overall gimmicks which can do the job for you. For example... A gecko can vanish a deck in a box. A topit can vanish anything. A Splash Bottle Gimmick and produce a deck. You can change bottle from silks to jumbo deck from silks. An Eggbag can do both vanishes and appearances. Use your imagination. Just explore what you want then explore what you can have.
PS. I might have repeated what others have said, but I just wanted to type an overall choices sorta thing.