Decknique is Theory 11

For those of you who haven't read the post by Richard on the main page of Decknique, or the thread here, Decknique has merged with the newly founded Theory 11. Although I hold reservations that being placed in a back alley of this forum will garner the same level of community as Decknique had I'm sure Richard would not do this if he had any doubt that it would do anything less than further cardistry as an art form. This thread is basically to say hello to any other Decknique members and I hope that they, like myself, don't act too resistantly to this change and embrace it so that this section of the forum doesn't fall to stagnancy.

To the future.
Personally, I think it's great that the two are now combined - it makes things easier to keep track of and it will allow much more interesting mixes of magic and cardistry/flourishing.
That doesn't mean I won't miss decknique though... :(
Jul 23, 2007
New York, NY
I'll miss Decknique too. But like I said over there I think this will be a very exciting time and I hope you look forward to what there is to come too :smile:... I mean :)
Aug 31, 2007
Although i rarely posted on Decknique, i used it a lot, and id like to say its awesome that Theory11 and Decknique have teamed up :)
Sep 1, 2007
I see it as a progress, as long as it stays active there should be no reason it would be worse, but hej atleast i know now what the heck is with decknique showing up in one of the earlier video clues.

Edit: I take it back now that i read DN will be gone :/
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Jul 23, 2007
New York, NY
Oh, I didn't notice that. I think they will be enabling it in the near future, after the website starts to get into a steady rhythm after the initial OMG THEORY11 LAUNCHED craze. I will be sure to remind them :) Thanks for bringing that up.
Jul 23, 2007
New York, NY
The goal is to get Theory 11 up and adequate enough for the cardistry community so that it will take what Decknique did and become more, not less. We got a great first step and I think as time goes on you'll see even more and more progress for the cardistry community here.
Sep 2, 2007
Decknique will live on here it will just take some addaptin that is all, trust richard.

Us lot from Dn will stand out alot in our vids because we have the impossibly cool flourishes AND magic in our vids. Dn is gonna take t11 by storm.


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