Decks with alternate backs

Jan 1, 2020
I’m looking to upgrade my cards for my monthly poker night, and discovered Theory11. Are there any decks with alternate color backs besides the Star Wars decks so I can have 2 decks at the table without any chance of accidentally mixing them? Thanks!

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Are there any decks with alternate color backs

Monarchs are available in BLUE, RED, GREEN, and PURPLE, plus other discontinued or limited edition variants not currently for sale.

Artisans are available in BLACK and WHITE, and also Gold if you are lucky enough to find one at Target.

Tycoons are available in RED & BLUE, IVORY, BLACK, and GREEN.

Nationals are available in BLACK, GREEN, and at B&N, Red.

High Victorian are available in GREEN, and at some retail locations like Target and Walgreens, Red.

Hudson are available in TEAL and BLACK.

Steampunk are available in BRONZE, SILVER, and at some retail locations like Walgreens, Gold.

We also have other non-theory11 decks that have alternate colors, like the HERITAGE SERIES, BICYCLE, BEE, TALLY HO FAN BACK, TALLY HO CIRCLE BACK, and ARISTOCRAT.


// L


Elite Member
Sep 15, 2014
Quick question... I was at a B&B today and noticed what might be an alternate tuck box or variant to the Hudson playing cards. I definitely notice Teal and Black, but what is this gray-ish box I see? Any thoughts?


Elite Member
Sep 15, 2014
There isn't a "gray version", though the Black Hudson deck actually has a dark gray tuck case.

// L

There was something truly noticeable about this tuck color variation. I was holding three decks in my hands and this "off" color tuck had the same tuck foiling and look of the teal variation with the same barcoding from B&N as the teal variation, but was definitely not the black version and definitely different from the teal color. It was a more bland color if indeed the same at the teal. Someone else on the site portfolio52 has also noticed this.
Mar 15, 2018
Monarchs are available in BLUE, RED, GREEN, and PURPLE, plus other discontinued or limited edition variants not currently for sale.

Artisans are available in BLACK and WHITE, and also Gold if you are lucky enough to find one at Target.

Tycoons are available in RED & BLUE, IVORY, BLACK, and GREEN.

Nationals are available in BLACK, GREEN, and at B&N, Red.

High Victorian are available in GREEN, and at some retail locations like Target and Walgreens, Red.

Hudson are available in TEAL and BLACK.

Steampunk are available in BRONZE, SILVER, and at some retail locations like Walgreens, Gold.

We also have other non-theory11 decks that have alternate colors, like the HERITAGE SERIES, BICYCLE, BEE, TALLY HO FAN BACK, TALLY HO CIRCLE BACK, and ARISTOCRAT.

This is an outstanding and helpful post Lyle! I need to bookmark this!
Dec 2, 2020
There was something truly noticeable about this tuck color variation. I was holding three decks in my hands and this "off" color tuck had the same tuck foiling and look of the teal variation with the same barcoding from B&N as the teal variation, but was definitely not the black version and definitely different from the teal color. It was a more bland color if indeed the same at the teal. Someone else on the site portfolio52 has also noticed this.

I have seen this as well. When placed next to the teal boxes these look like a clay grey color. Have not opened them to compare the cards yet. Maybe just a quality control issue on the boxes
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