Direct card magic?

Jan 26, 2008
Hello everyone!

The reason i fell in love with magic many years ago was David Blaine and his simple and direct magic and i have always loved the classics such as ACR, 2 card monte, here then there, the biddle trick etc.

Almost everywhere i look now i see all theese flashy card magic dvds and while they are technicaly impressive i honestly dont really think it is magic, nor do the spectators see it as that, it feels more like "hey look how awsome i am"

Can some one recommend me some dvds that has some great simple and direct card magic?

Im a huge fan of both Paul Harris and Aaron Fishers approach to card magic, while their tricks are amazing they dont really show of any skill, and they just let the magic happend.
Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
The tricks that have really done wonders for me are:

Laced (Dan Hauss)
Chicago Opener (Daryl)
Blindsided (Oz Pearlman)
Card Through Table
Son of a Stunner (Paul Harris)

Oh and also, special card revelations get the best reactions. Wether it be a bar code reveal, a gaff reveal, anything that finds their card in a special way always kills. It may not seem that special to magicians, but trust me, 90% of my best tricks involve a special revelation.
Apr 26, 2008
I would say..

Blindsided, Oz Pearlman
Angle Zero, Daniel Madison
3 Card Melody, Justin Miller
Torn Too, Daniel Garcia

Those ones come to mind off the top of my head..
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