Ditching the TT

Jul 16, 2011
Hey guys,

I've been performing a ton lately. Recently I've added the Kozlowski Bills Switch to my routine. While I've never messed up the actual technique in performance, I have been caught going into my pocket at the end. 70% of the time it goes over perfectly smoothly. I've tried justifying the ditch but when I've got 20 kids my age (teenagers) burning my hands trying to find out where the hell the $100 came from, anything Im saying to them at the moment goes out the window, and I've had kids actually yell out "what're you doin in your pocket" or "what'd you just put in your pocket?". So my question to you guys is what is your favorite way to ditch the TT when performing? When doing the bill switch, or any TT for that matter.

Thanks in advance,
Apr 17, 2013
I leave it on for a minute or two. I also use the soft rubber kind that looks more real.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
That ^.

The key with ditching anything lies in not doing it at the wrong time. Why would you do anything while people are staring at your hands? That's the worst time.

Just keep it on for a moment, then when it's natural casually stick your TT in your pocket like you're just relaxing for a moment.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
there is a moment to do it...of course if you don´t have a reason to go to your pocket, then is going to be noticed... the motion of you going to your pocket is fueled by your fear of they finding out you have a fake finger... let it go.. act normal, they don´t know where to look... so don´t overshow your hands and relax..

As a suggestion... if you are doing a trick with cards, coins or something else before doing the TT trick... put those in your pocket and when you are done doing the tt trick, just wait a little bit and then say you have another trick to do show... and then go to the same pocket you keep the cards/coins/etc and ditch it..

if this is the last trick.. then just kept it in the thumb, relax, say goodbye (or something like "I have to go to class") and leave...and the safety of your classroom or bathroom, ditch it in your pocket..
Jul 16, 2011
I really appreciate the advice- it helps alot. Thank you.
One quick thing though, I have been asked to show my hands again after the effect "Show me your hands!" And once I've even had someone come up to me and grab my hands and closely inspect them (luckily I had already ditched the TT). Again though, both instances were with high schoolers.

Apr 17, 2013
I really appreciate the advice- it helps alot. Thank you.
One quick thing though, I have been asked to show my hands again after the effect "Show me your hands!" And once I've even had someone come up to me and grab my hands and closely inspect them (luckily I had already ditched the TT). Again though, both instances were with high schoolers.


This is a simple crowd control issue. After the switch flash flash both hands empty. Show front and back quickly while still keeping the tt hidden. If someone goes to get grabby just step back and ask how they would like it if you start grabbing them. Or stop showing effects during school hours. Or only show effects to a group of two and only those two. Pick you stage and control it
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Treat it like your actual thumb and just ignore it, then simply put your hand in your pocket casually and gesture normally with your hand.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Have an alternative ditching point is one way of dealing with this; I've used the waist band of my pants as well as the belt for the initial ditch and then later move it to my pocket. I know of guys that sleeve them until the time is ripe. . . in fact, Vernet makes a TT on a pull sold as the Invisible TT which I've actually used a few times, works great!

The other side of the coin, when it comes to this particular effect, is that it can be done without the TT and in my experience, it comes off much cleaner and the extra bill is far easier to get rid of . . . if you're decent with slights you can even show your hands empty at the end though you are still holding the extra bill. . . I use this same technique in my billet work now days.

I've never been able to do this routine using the TT for me it is clumsy and really makes no sense, yet I've been blown away by the guys that do it as per the instructions, so I guess it's a matter of personal preference.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I watched Jay Scott Berry use his cloaking device / sonata gimmick last night at a lecture to perform miracles. Don't think you are just limited to a thumb tip. Also as others have said, timing of the ditch is vital and have a reason to go to the pocket. You can go in for a sharpie, a deck of cards, etc.
Aug 27, 2013
If people are grabbing at your hands, they're likely feeling threatened at some level, so I would suggest focusing on your presentation and tailoring it so that people don't even think about burning your hands. One way is to present it like 'hey I'm just trying to have some fun here, not intimidate anyone'. When someone calls you out on something, I personally love the line "Woah! You didn't think this was real magic, did you?"

Try being mindful of what the tone/rate of your speech, your body language, facial expressions, the actual words you say, etc. are communicating to your audience. And ALWAYS express some form of appreciation to your audience ~ say thank you, let THEM add a few lines of script, ask questions about them, share the attention with them & gently guide it back to yourself when you perform the magic.

As for actual mechanics, I usually just lean back, relax and hook both thumbs in my pockets. (mirroring your hands always helps, too) This works for me because I casually stand this way even if I'm not doing magic.
Jun 22, 2013
New York
good tips .. i will keep them in mind while practicing .. may it take time to get the perfection that is quite natural ... but once you get it right it start paying back to you
Oct 5, 2012
If people are grabbing at your hands, they're likely feeling threatened at some level, so I would suggest focusing on your presentation and tailoring it so that people don't even think about burning your hands.

I think this is a great point. Finding the right moment for the ditch and making sure that the move to the pocket is either motivated or out of scrutiny is definitely important, but it sounds to me that, intentionally or not, you are challenging your spectators with your magic. If you set up your work as "Me vs. You" or as a puzzle, then they are inevitably going to try to figure out HOW you fooled them rather than enjoying the experience you have created. How are you presenting the effect? If you say "Watch me closely, you are never going to believe what I am about to do" before you begin, for example, you are presenting a challenge situation that will result in them burning your hands. "Can I show you something? This might not work, but I was able to do the strangest thing the other day..." or something along those lines places the spectators in alignment with you instead of opposition.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
I watched Jay Scott Berry use his cloaking device / sonata gimmick last night at a lecture to perform miracles. Don't think you are just limited to a thumb tip. Also as others have said, timing of the ditch is vital and have a reason to go to the pocket. You can go in for a sharpie, a deck of cards, etc.

Oh my. . . I really wish I'd seen that lecture (going to have to drop Jay a line now. . . Happy Birthday Buddy and btw, how about a copy of your lecture notes on the Sonata Gimmick". . . that ought to go over well. . . what do you think?


theory11 moderator
If people are grabbing at your hands, they're likely feeling threatened at some level, so I would suggest focusing on your presentation and tailoring it so that people don't even think about burning your hands. One way is to present it like 'hey I'm just trying to have some fun here, not intimidate anyone'. When someone calls you out on something, I personally love the line "Woah! You didn't think this was real magic, did you?"

Try being mindful of what the tone/rate of your speech, your body language, facial expressions, the actual words you say, etc. are communicating to your audience. And ALWAYS express some form of appreciation to your audience ~ say thank you, let THEM add a few lines of script, ask questions about them, share the attention with them & gently guide it back to yourself when you perform the magic.

As for actual mechanics, I usually just lean back, relax and hook both thumbs in my pockets. (mirroring your hands always helps, too) This works for me because I casually stand this way even if I'm not doing magic.

Steve has hit the nail on the head here. Ditching (or ringing in gimmicks) can be one of the hardest parts of a magic presentation to do well. A lot of this is down to the dreaded 'magician's guilt' or a lack of justification.

A simple solution to your problem is to let your bill switch sink in, then casually say; "Let me show you guys one more thing..."

At this point, allow attention to draw to you putting your hand in your pocket to pull out a deck of cards, your keys or whatever you intend to work with next. You of course ditch as you bring out the next prop.

It's hiding the action in plain sight, you wouldn't draw attention to putting your hand in your pocket if you were doing something sneaky, would you?

This is making use of indirection, as opposed to misdirection and can be a very powerful tool in your performances! It will also help you with your overall choreography and pocket management as you *know* that you have to go to a certain pocket at the end of this trick.

Take in all the tips from the posters in this thread and I've no doubt that your performance will improve massively! :)

Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Oh my. . . I really wish I'd seen that lecture (going to have to drop Jay a line now. . . Happy Birthday Buddy and btw, how about a copy of your lecture notes on the Sonata Gimmick". . . that ought to go over well. . . what do you think?

hehe. . . Jay invited me to join him this coming Friday. . . he's doing a lecture 20 minutes from where I live of all things... Huzzarr!
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