DL convincer

Mar 26, 2009
I was playing around with an idea late last night and I wanted to post it for some thoughts:

I do a strike DL, and let the card fall face up outjogged about 1/2 inch to 1 inch.

When I am going to turn the double face down, I grab its outer right corner with my thumb on top and first and second fingers below.

As you turn the card over, sliding its edge against the top of the deck, right when it gets vertical (before you let go) and as soon as the face is hidden, you use your thumb to slide the face card down aligned with the deck just before both cards fall face down. you are left with a single face down card still outjogged from the deck.

Im still playing with this to make it consistent and work on angles. It looks good straight on and I filmed it and it looks great, but I was in my boxers at 3am so i dont think i'll post that video.

TRY IT and tell me what you think!
Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
Hey man, good idea. So good, in fact, that it's been done before. I don't remember exactly where I saw the move or who first published it, but its a move that many guys use. However, congrats for coming up with it on your own


I remember seeing this move in apocalypse, but I'm sure it was published elsewhere before.
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
This was published in Apocalypse under Anonymous I believe, but it's Juan Tamariz's turnover (I'm sure it has a full name but I don't know what it is). It's a fantastic technique to add to your double lift - has a retention of vision feel to it.

With that said, I'd edit your post a bit to just describe what it looks like as it is exposure of a published technique unfortunately; good on ya for discovering it yourself though! :D

- Sean
Mar 26, 2009
thanx for the feedback!

Is it possible to invent a new sleight anymore? Even the "new" sleights like the clipshift or cherry control are just enhancements or refinements to already existing ones like the panoramic shift and the one handed pass.

Thanks for the positive feedback this community is great!

- KK
Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
thanx for the feedback!

Is it possible to invent a new sleight anymore? Even the "new" sleights like the clipshift or cherry control are just enhancements or refinements to already existing ones like the panoramic shift and the one handed pass.

Thanks for the positive feedback this community is great!

- KK

Haha, not really, And if you do, it turns out Marlo already created it.
May 3, 2008
Well that's why flourishes are so great. People have only been doing card flourishing for a short time compared to the time when magic was created. That means that with flourishing less has been done before and you have a smaller chance of creating something that's been done before.
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
It is done in these two videos:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFLzTFIUToU :)


I don't know exctly where it was published though.

Good job discovering it on your own:)

It's published in Juan's book Sonata I believe, but I'm pretty sure it's also taught in Apocalypse as tally-ho said.

Sonata, unfortunately is a very hard book to get hold of... Though I hear it may be coming back into print? (I may have just made that up in hope... though I think I heard it somewhere). Those of you who have The Classic Magic of Michael Vincent will know this is also taught on one of his discs; I think it's Disc 3 in context of "Prologue To Triumph" but I'll double check that for you when I can... I have the intention of watching it again tonight. :)

Hope this helps somewhat... Hopefully someone with either Apocalypse or Sonata will be able to chime in and give us some insight.

- Sean
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