Draven Review's Lightning

Title: Lightning
Artist: Chris Smith
Producers: Magic Smith
Link: . http://magicsmith.com/lightning.html
Retail Price: $25.00 USD
Learning Difficulty: Easy
Length of DVD: 23 minutes
Notes: Requires the use of a light bulb.

• Instructional DVD
• Gimmick
• Gimmick Aid

DVD Features:
• Play All
• Chapters

The magician takes a light bulb, sets it on the ground, holds it in their hand, or secures it in a plastic bag (ala Big Bang), and at the magicians command the light bulb begins to illuminate, and glow, growing in intensity until it finally explodes (if you have Big Bang).

The DVD covers everything you need to know on product care, application, and presentation. The quality of the DVD is pretty poor. It looks like it was filmed on a low res camera or cell phone, but it’s enough to learn what to do, and how to amaze minds. If you have Big Bang from Magic Smith already then the DVD gives you a great presentation of how you can incorporate Lightning into your Big Bang effect. If you don’t have Big Bang yet, get it.

I like lightning, it’s a brilliant little pocket piece of magic that you can carry around with you anywhere you go. It works great at parties, clubs, or anywhere that you can get easy access to a light bulb and the ambient room lighting is low enough to where everyone can see it work. I like having the bulb light itself while not in my hands too, I feel that it’s almost more magical that way.

For the price you get a pretty good piece of magic. Obviously you’re not going to be caring light bulbs around with you ever where you go, but if you find yourself in a place that has easy access to one you’ve got a miracle ready to roll in your pocket.

When I give my product scores below I am measuring them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 Being absolute the worst score possible, and 10 being the absolute best, making a score of five average. The four points that I grade upon is Product Quality, Teaching Quality, Sound & Video Quality and Overall Quality.

Product Quality: 8
Lovely visual effect.

Teaching Quality:7
The DVD is well taught. Presentation, handling, and care for your product.

Video & Sound Quality:4
Poor video quality, but at least the sound is decent.

Overall Quality: 7
Find a reason to get your hands on a light bulb and you’ve got a miracle in your fingertips. Or combine it with Big Bang and have an explosive piece of magic at your command.



theory11 moderator
I use both big bang and lightening. They're really great construction wise, very simple to operate and I've been using the same ones for years now!

I think the majority of Chris Smith's stuff is great to be honest, it's all very well thought out, simple and direct effects and easy to use gimmicks. Awesome!
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