Dvs/The Seer by Mark Calabrese gimmick alternative?

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Mar 17, 2016
How long does the gimmick last for seer/dvs?
If the performer runs out of the gimmick can you buy the gimmick separately instead of buying the whole product all over again?
I am highly interested in buying the product but just want to clear some questions that I have.
Aug 4, 2014
Just use regular chapstick. It's what I've used for a very long time and works just as well as far as I'm concerned

Brandon J. Pearce

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I agree with AmberGraci, in fact I have had mine about a year now and still have not run out. They do have replacements available and I have bought a few myself just to stock up. That being said, Aikman8 is correct that you could use regular chapstick . . . . .kind of. You just need to find one that has similar give/hold/firmness/softness/properties of the original seer "gimmick". Which is a tad bit tricky, as there are a ton of chapsticks out there. I can say that I have found one that works for me. I think it will boil down to preference and how much of the gimmick you were used to using during your performances. As a concept the seer is great and the tricks were well thought out/taught. I just wish the gimmick replacements were not $9.99, for what is essentially chapstick. Just my unsolicited two cents on the subject :)


Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
Not worth buying or using. Their are better things from Mark such as OSYN.
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