Ellusionist or Theory11?

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Sep 1, 2007
Everyone dislikes Ellusionist... Find one person who has been in to magic for more than 6 months, who likes ellusionist. It would be tough...

Let me jump in here and say something. I have been doing magic for well over ten years and I have thoroughly enjoyed Ellusionist all around...Whether it be a product, forums or customer service. Now don't get me wrong, everyone has there flaws. Ellusionist does, Theory 11 does and so do you. I am not siding with anyone or any company..All I am saying is people can like whatever they like no matter what their experience level may be and no matter who they are.

Quite frankly I find it pretty immature and rude on your part for stereotyping people the way you do. It would be nice if some of you would grow up and not be judgmental towards others based off of nothing. You don't know me and probably never will so do not judge me.

I try and stray from judgmental and stereotypical people like yourself, but then again I would be a fool to base my judgement off of your one comment. So I ask you this...If I would be fool for judging you, or anyone else for that matter, based off of one petty action or comment...then what does that make you?

-Dave T. Wiltrout-
Sep 4, 2007
new york
I don't see why anyone cares and i dont think they should be compared. Ellusionist has lots of products and many are very well made with great material on them. Theory 11 has 3 tricks and a deck of cards. They should not be compared yet.
Sep 1, 2007
I honestly don't care if someone is going to compare something. It's good to compare because you can then know your likes and dislikes and that is partially what makes you, you.

What I don't care for is someone pretending to know you or what you're like based off of absolutely nothing. It disgusts me when the ugly side of the world peeks it head out...

-Dave T. Wiltrout-
Sep 2, 2007
So I take it that everybody who says Ellusionist is for beginners won't be buying the CIB'S when they are released since you know, their a beginner website. That goes for the ultra gaff deck and stained skin as well.

Let's not forget that Wayne had some products on there as well. Are you saying his tricks were beginner level?

Oh and it's funny how people call Brad Christian a newb to magic when he's been doing it for over 25 years, which is probably a hell of a lot longer than you have been doing it.

T11 and Ellusionist are my favorite websites. Why should I ditch 1 and go to the other. It's not like their girls. I can have both, at the same time might I add. lol
So what, he's been doing magic for 25 years dosen't make him good. He's not a Noob, but I think that a lot of people believe that he is at a Noob level.
Oct 7, 2007
Brad Christian

Ellusionist is filled with noobs like Brad Christian.

Theory11 is far superior than E, but Decknique rules all.:p

Frankly, Brad is not a noob - he is an expert illusionist. If you are better than him, then you would land some serious gigs, and probably work with him and see what kind of a performer he is. He is excellent - very talented. Wayne Houchin and Daniel Garcia would probably say good things about Brad Christian. These 3 have worked together, and have worked on developing such routines as Kaos - If you have this, you might remember that there was an original routine created by Sean Beard, but there were a few different ways of doing the effect - Brad Christian was one of the minds behind the methods.

Ellusionist.com is a great resource for beginners, but is always a good resource for the experienced magician looking to add something strong to their repertoire. There are more items on the site than just Ellusionist made items.

Theory 11 looks really good... hard hitters all in one place. Some of the best magic in the world has come from the minds of the magicians on this site - which have been used by professional magicians all over the world. There is no reason to say one resource is better than the other. When looking for something good, I definitely hit up both sites, and others.

As far as Decknique - this site has a ton of flurishes, and cuts - but not a lot of magic... Cuts and flourishes definitely give one more control over the cards, but there isn't a lot there that you can't find on other sites...
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Sep 1, 2007
I like the Magic Cafe, and when I find myself reading threads like this...I begin to wonder why I bother anywhere else.
Sep 9, 2007
Wayne Houchin and Daniel Garcia would probably say good things about Brad Christian. These 3 have worked together, and have worked on developing such routines as Kaos

You do know that they didn't make KAOS. It was made by a forum member that summited his trick.
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
So what, he's been doing magic for 25 years dosen't make him good. He's not a Noob, but I think that a lot of people believe that he is at a Noob level.

It defiantly does make him good. No way a person can't improve and not get good over 25 years of experience. You don't even know what your talking about.
Sep 2, 2007
ok, well are you 10 now?

Actually, I'm 20, which means I've been in magic for about twelve years. I've gone in and out of it, but yeah. . . twelve years. And I like Ellusionist just fine. Their products are good, their prices are fine, and they have good customer service. Honestly, I'm not sure what everyone's complaints are about E. . . my suspicion is that the majority of people that profess hatred for E are probably people who got banned from E's forums for breaking the rather strict rules those forums impose on members. Personally, I've experienced nothing but the positive in dealing with E.
Oct 6, 2007
Whats wrong with everyone that has said something along the lines of :

"Why are we comparing"
"Ellusionist Sucks" ....etc.

I created this thread to have your views and opinions on waht you like better.

Personally, i think they are equal, although i beleive theory11 has more potential.

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I'm glad you said something, D.J
Guys, we need to be respectful of each others opinions and beliefs. If they shuld choose to like Ellusionist and Brad Christian better than Theory 11 and Wayne Houchin, then that is their choice, and there is nothing wrong against it.
If you do not like Brad, then don't go on E. If you don't like Wayne or any member of the T11 crew, then don't come on here. But if you should choose to be on both Theory 11 and Ellusionist at the same time, there's nothing wrong with that either.
So I say let people do what they want as far as which website they like better, ok?
Sep 2, 2007
I'm glad you said something, D.J
Guys, we need to be respectful of each others opinions and beliefs. If they shuld choose to like Ellusionist and Brad Christian better than Theory 11 and Wayne Houchin, then that is their choice, and there is nothing wrong against it.
If you do not like Brad, then don't go on E. If you don't like Wayne or any member of the T11 crew, then don't come on here. But if you should choose to be on both Theory 11 and Ellusionist at the same time, there's nothing wrong with that either.
So I say let people do what they want as far as which website they like better, ok?

This thread is about which is better, not which is worse.

There is no need to bash theory11 or Ellusionist, as it is asking which, in your opinion, is better. So please, refrain from stating "Ellusionist (or theory11) sucks because Brad Christian is a **********."

If you truly have a problem with Ellusionist or theory11, try to state in a neutral and unbiased manner -- "I'm dissapointed in it because the order which I received was damaged, and the customer service failed to provide me with a replacement."

Keep it clean.

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The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
This thread is about which is better, not which is worse.

There is no need to bash theory11 or Ellusionist, as it is asking which, in your opinion, is better. So please, refrain from stating "Ellusionist (or theory11) sucks because Brad Christian is a **********."

If you truly have a problem with Ellusionist or theory11, try to state in a manner which is objectionable -- "I'm dissapoined in theoryE because the order which I received was damaged, and the customer service failed to provide me with a replacement."

Keep it clean.


Hit the nail on the head. :)
Sep 1, 2007
I'm still trying to figure out what so many people have against Ellusionist. It will be awhile before T11 will even have the chance to surpass E in my eyes. I mean seriously, T11 is practically brand new and hasn't E been around for like 6 years? You really can't comapare which is better right now because E has so many more top notch products while T11 barely has anything at the moment.

To those who refuse to purchase from E,

I'll feel bad for you when Factory and Bullet come out.

Some of the posts in this thread really crack me up. Brad a noob? T11 being far superior to Ellusionist? Wow....that's all I have to say.


SVP, theory11
Team member
Aug 5, 2007
There is no need to bash theory11 or Ellusionist, as it is asking which, in your opinion, is better. So please, refrain from stating "Ellusionist (or theory11) sucks because Brad Christian is a **********."

If you truly have a problem with Ellusionist or theory11, try to state in a neutral and unbiased manner -- "I'm dissapointed in it because the order which I received was damaged, and the customer service failed to provide me with a replacement."

Keep it clean.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Please refrain from "bashing" anyone-- our motto at theory11 is to respect all of those that respect the art. In the end, that's the best way for us to continue to advance and improve this artform. Constructive criticism, however, is always welcome in the forums. For now, let's get back to the magic.
Sep 1, 2007
asking which is better theory11 or Ellusionist is like asking which is better, a snack-sized twix bar or a king sized twix bar.

theory11 and ellusionist are the exact same thing, just ellusionist has been around a lot longer so they have more custom decks and a lot more old remakes of weak gimmicked tricks into single-trick DVDs.

still, i like t11 better because you can type WTF STFU N00B OMG in the forums. i got banned from ellusionist for this...

and props to all the deckniquers tha represented in this thread :D
Sep 3, 2007
asking which is better theory11 or Ellusionist is like asking which is better, a snack-sized twix bar or a king sized twix bar.

theory11 and ellusionist are the exact same thing, just ellusionist has been around a lot longer so they have more custom decks and a lot more old remakes of weak gimmicked tricks into single-trick DVDs.

still, i like t11 better because you can type WTF STFU N00B OMG in the forums. i got banned from ellusionist for this...

and props to all the deckniquers tha represented in this thread :D

Its not the exact same thing... Richard created an awesome media system for Theory 11, I think he deserve recognition for that.
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