Are you serious. I can't believe Brad would do that. It's kind of mean/childish. I kind of feel bad for you Wayne. Knowing that you put out great products on E, you can't talk on their forums.
Whatever, you have your own place now.
Hi Danny,
There's a lot you and other people don't know about what transpired between Wayne and I, and Wayne has chosen not to mention the reason I *asked* him not to post at Ellusionist.
There is far, far more to it than the short version I am about to give you, but in a nutshell....
After having partnered with Wayne and Dana for so long, and had a mutually rewarding relationship, Wayne did not contact me or anyone at Ellusionist to let us know that he was moving over to T11. We found out only via the T11 web site
when it went live. Even after it went live there was no communication from Wayne. Instead, he found energy and time to post in the Ellusionist forums about his Ellusionist products VS his T11 products etc. But nothing to me. When his posts appeared to begin to promote T11 and I *still* hadn't heard from him personally, I wrote and asked Wayne to stop posting.
In truth, I was all but flabbergasted that I hadn't heard from him long before the site went live. There are a few other things that I can't go into here, but suffice to say that my action wasn't mean or childish.
So, let's get all the info out onto the table. There was no banning. And now you have the reason I
asked Wayne not to post.