Enough of E's problems already!

Sep 4, 2007
Preach it, brother! But just don't start referring to it as E11usionist

OK, Goud, you get 10 cool points, redeemable for T11 merchandise for the funny ,yet scary, post of the day!

I could not agree more with the person who started the thread...let's get over it. You are here, we are there, and all the poor attitude and name calling in the world will not change it. It is ironic that he started the thread for that reason, and most everyone agrees, but there was still one person trying to get that last minute dagger of deceit planted.

Oh well, things you can not avoid, death, taxes...

Sep 2, 2007
OK, Goud, you get 10 cool points, redeemable for T11 merchandise for the funny ,yet scary, post of the day!

I could not agree more with the person who started the thread...let's get over it. You are here, we are there, and all the poor attitude and name calling in the world will not change it. It is ironic that he started the thread for that reason, and most everyone agrees, but there was still one person trying to get that last minute dagger of deceit planted.

Oh well, things you can not avoid, death, taxes...


. . . morons. . .

Anyway, thanks for the support. Now let's see how many people actually uphold this. I'm not just talking about starting anti- or pro- E threads, here. I think we should avoid the topic, period. I'm not on E's forums much any more, but when I am I hardly ever see posts about T11 there. Why? Because that's the E forum, and there's no reason for them to get into long, involved discussions about our forum here. Really, I'm almost starting to think it's an insecurity issue around here (no, our forums are better. . . really, they are. . . 'cause, you know, their forums aren't even that great. . . 'cause, you know, they have strict mods, and here we can say just whatever. . . yeah, so we're bet--*shotgun blast*)
Sep 1, 2007
Really, I'm almost starting to think it's an insecurity issue around here (no, our forums are better. . . really, they are. . . 'cause, you know, their forums aren't even that great. . . 'cause, you know, they have strict mods, and here we can say just whatever. . . yeah, so we're bet--*shotgun blast*)

Possibly. Theory 11 is still young, and given the way artists can be, they want a little more drama to the whole affair.

Honestly, I'm sick of all the politics. It's fine if you don't like somebody. But does everyone on the internet need to know? We have enough problems without a bunch of detrimental rubes acting like jackals at one another's throats.
Oct 6, 2007
And quit it with all the "What is your favourite..." threads...

I disagree with you. I ahve posted one or two of this threads myself. Although my topics are slightly different, people who ARE curious about other people's favorite whatever too.

If you're unhappy with these types of topics, then there really isnt any point of you going into this forum. A forum is for magic discussion, where people can learn off each other, etc.

Just my thoughts...
Sep 16, 2007
Kent, WA state
In my opinion. If a website with a forum, where post back and forth with people you'll most likely NEVER MEET gets you THAT worked up about everything, you need to take a step back and prioritize what is important in your life.
Sep 14, 2007
I completely disagree with you guys. E is a magic company, and theory 11 is a magic company. You should be allowed to talk about anything on these forums as along as they're magic related. E has magic products and everyone should have the 100% right to talk about another company's magic trick. Jonathan Bayme was once part of E, and he learned many things from them too. I doubt he would not allow to talk about E's tricks over here.
Oct 21, 2007
Yea you know what though, why don't you talk about other magic sites? why talk about "E" in these forums and Theory11 in there forums? There are other magic websites that I find to be really good, if not better then both E and Theory11.
Trickmaster, it's not about talking about E's magic DVD's etc etc. Most of the time, someone comes in here and posts negative stuff about them and there magic stuff. Mainly people that either got banned or they didn't get enough attention in the forums over at Ellusionist. Getting these stupid threads that pop-up saying whats better Theory or Ellusionist, etc etc. It goes on and on. Some people end up getting a desease called "fanboyism", some of these people are not going to be into magic that long, they will for a year or so, but watch them vanish...just like magic.

"Fanboyism" - an annoying mental desease that has no cure at all, you just have to let it run it's course.
Sep 2, 2007
Let me clarify. . . I'm not saying don't talk about E at all, ever, under any circumstances. I'm all for discussing their products, creators, customer service, etc., and have done so myself since I started this thread. What I'm sick of hearing about is their forums. There is no reason to come over here and start a bunch of drama about something that happened on the forum over there. They don't discuss the T11 forums, so why should we discuss theirs? How does that help anyone's magic? It doesn't, that's how.

Brewery Rabbit

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Poulsbo, Wa
Oh well, things you can not avoid, death, taxes...


Unless your chuck norris of course.

But i couldnt agree with you more there.

Things just need to stop.
E is a fantastic company.
And Nothing will stop me from shopping there.
T11 is something new.
And so far i am very impressed with their products, their teaching style. and the people.

As for The problems with E;s forums.
All people need to do is follow rules.
If you do that, you dont have to complain about being banned, Or having something deleted.
The people over at the forums are great!
Very helpful. *If you know where to look of course*

As for these forums.

Same thing, Follow rules. Have fun. And be helpful.

One last thing..

I saw you leave the grocery store.
I saw all those beans.>


I want to know about some of E's upcoming stuff.

Take care everyone
~J♡rdan Garret

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I love all this dischord in the magic community.
It reminds me of the dischord between Republicans and Democrats. Maybe George Washington was right when he said we shouldn't have political parties.
(This post was a metaphor, and by no means a prompt to debate politics, if you do, I will slap you with a large dead fish.)
Sep 8, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
I think that it's pretty funny actually.
All you people that bash E, or those that bash the Woods, or T11 on other forums, etc etc etc. It's all that you can talk about, you're all obsessed with it :)
These days the Internet is not a safe place for everyone, so I don't think that you can fault anyone for trying to provide a safe environment for all ages groups. You don't have to be there if you don't want to be, but I don't think that you have a right to have a go at anyone that is not doing the wrong thing.

Forums are of course a marketing tool when they are attached to a company. This one here is no exception. If it was then there would be no posts about any of the product releases, and there would be no staff posting about what's coming up etc. No body has ever denied that this is the case. But what you get out of the forum, is what you put in. If all you do is whinge and moan about stuff, you're not likely to get anything out of it, just as if you complain on E about how it's run, you're not going to get anything out of it either. If you just forget the politics and behave in a civil manner you'll probably forget all about the things you whinge about, and when you start to think and take part in decent discussions you'll actually start getting something out of it, no matter where you decide to post.

besides that, you should be spending more time practicing than posting, otherwise I don't think you really are in a position to call yourself a magician, you're just an enthusiast, or someone that is interested in magic.

my 2c.
Sep 4, 2007
Kansas City
Are we still talking about this? Why does it seem that the same 4 topics keep getting discussed over and over again in different threads? Oh wait... thats because they do.

I wish we'd talk about magic...
Oct 25, 2007
I for one, happen to like E. Most of the stuff I know now, came from that site.

Just my opinion.
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