Expert at the Card Table

Jul 2, 2008
Hey T11, I have a magician friend in Europe (I'm in Canada) who has, for some absolutely odd reason, has NOT READ ERDNASE! Didn't know what a second deal was. He does parlour stuff all over Ireland though, and is an INCREDIBLE perfomer.

So instead of sending him an Expert book the next time i go to the shop, I figured I'd send him to the link of the online Expert book.

But, I can't find it anymore. Anybody have this link? (Or does anybody know of Dai Vernon's favourite magic book?)
Nov 30, 2007
I assume this is the link you are looking at. That is how you access the online version. I don't know if I should just give away the answer, just try and think about it a little, it isn't too hard.

It looks like Tally-Ho beat me to it...
Jul 2, 2008
I assume this is the link you are looking at. That is how you access the online version. I don't know if I should just give away the answer, just try and think about it a little, it isn't too hard.

It looks like Tally-Ho beat me to it...

LOL I obviously knew the answer... apparently it's case sensitive. I tried with the initials for about half an hour, then realized just capitalize the E.

If I didn't know it, you could have shot me; WHO DOESN'T!
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