Exposé :: Christen Gerhart :: Discuss!

Aug 31, 2007
Hello Everyone!

As most of you know, earlier today we released our first ever episode of Exposé! Christen and I have been working on the project for a little over the past month, and I'm very happy that it's finally come to fruition.

If you missed the memo, or I suppose in this day and age - the tweet, Exposé is theory11's new weekly web series. The concept of the show is that every Monday, Christen and I will select a trick, check it out, practice it, perform it, and tell you what we thought. It's a slash between a magic review show and Attack of the Show.

Are our opinions biased? Most definitely. We started off the series with theory11's latest release - to say we are biased would be like calling Justin Bieber a girl; it's common knowledge.

Just to clarify, we will not just be reviewing theory11 effects - quite the opposite. The majority of the effects we plan on featuring in the future are those on The Wire - completely user created. The original idea was actually to feature ONLY effects on The Wire, but we didn't want to pin ourselves to just one category. One week we might be reviewing Shin Lim's latest Wire effect, theory11's newest release, or a DVD from Paper Crane.

However the one thing we don't plan on doing is flat out lying - we may be slightly biased when reviewing our own tricks, but if we hate something, we'll tell you. If the trick is great but the method is weak, we'll tell it like it is. If your Wire effect is top notch, but you're dressed like a deranged hipster? We'll let the world know. In this week's episode, we may be biased, but we really did love Vertigo. I literally cannot stop impossibly balancing that card box on things. It's addicting.

With all that out of the way, I wanted to thank you all for the awesome feedback we've gotten in the comments - the support for the new show has been awesome and we love hearing what you think. Although the question that seems to be most asked is, "Who is Christen Gerhart?"

Christen is a good friend of mine who I thought would be perfect as a co-host. A little about Christen; she joined the Magic Castle Junior Program in 2006, does close-up and stage magic, currently interns for NASA at the Jet Propulsion Lab, and won 2 bronze awards at the National Speech and Debate Tournament - out of the entire Nation.

In short, she's smarter, prettier and far more articulate than me. I think she makes for a pretty awesome co-host and friend :)

She also owns and rides a motorcycle. Not kidding.

She's new to the online magic scene, and an awesome addition to the theory11 team, so I hope you can all help me give her a warm welcome aboard! You'll be seeing her every Monday until who knows when. I mean The Insider made it to 41 episodes, and who knows when we'll decide to kill that dead horse.

So once again, I want to thank you all, if you've yet to check out the pilot Episode or the Bloopers, links are below. I'll open this for discussion, would love to hear what you all think, Christen should stop by and say hello, let us know if you have any suggestions and what tricks you'd like us to feature next Monday!



Thanks, and keep it rockin'.



Director of Customer Experience
Team member
Oct 25, 2011
Hey all!

Thanks for the intro Zach! I'm excited to be part of the theory11 team and I'm looking forward to meeting and talking with everyone. Exposé is an awesome show that I'm glad to be a part of and I can't wait to film more episodes. Thank you all for the fantastic feedback!

Keep commenting and thanks again for the wonderful welcome!

Jun 6, 2010
Nashville, TN
I'm going to like this show. It's always nice to have two hosts that are funny and can bounce off each other. Honestly, if it was just Zach, I'm not sure if I would actually make an effort to watch it. (No offence Zach :))

And I really like that you guys go out and perform the trick instead of just talking about it. That's something different than a lot of product review shows have that I appreciate. Keep up the good work guys! :)
Dec 20, 2009
Mumbai, India
I liked the show, I agree with what Aaron said about there being two hosts. Great job! I look forward to more

Exposé - 9/10

That was meant to be in the...voice...doesn't really come off well on a forum. I learned my lesson! IM SORRY!



theory11 artist
Sep 3, 2007
United States
Nicely done Zach! I really enjoyed the first episode and I'm sure it'll only get better!

PS: Christen needs to dress up like the Suckerpunch chick and go sword fight the spectators yo!


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Loved the idea of this show and what it does for magic. Christen was a great choice / selection and did an outstanding job. You guys work well with each other. Looking forward to tuning in each week. Continue on with the excellent work.
Jul 13, 2010
Knock, knock , knock, Christen
Knock, knock , knock, Christen
Knock, knock , knock, Christen

She`s the Penny of "The Big Bang Theory11" xD

Just kidding ;)


Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Las Vegas
Awesome show you guys, loved it! Can't wait to see the future episodes.

I messaged Zach during the shoot and when Christen asked who I was, I was pretty heart broken. Please... no more upsets like that or you may or may not make me cry.

I blame you Zach... I thought you were my friend.
Feb 7, 2011
Awesome show you guys, loved it! Can't wait to see the future episodes.

I messaged Zach during the shoot and when Christen asked who I was, I was pretty heart broken. Please... no more upsets like that or you may or may not make me cry.

I blame you Zach... I thought you were my friend.

Not cool Zach, not cool.
Jan 16, 2011
I have three questions for the two of you...

1. Are you two going to come out with tricks of your own, or possibly a collaboration.
2. Can the first PaperCrane product review be of And All Will Be Consumed, I am iffy about getting that trick, and I believe you can sway my opinion.
3. Do you two specifically check your Personal Message in boxes?

Just out of curiosity and interest.

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