face up ambitious

Sep 23, 2012
im looking for an ambitious card that can be done face up (or with the card inserted face up in a face down deck) so I have a visual jump to the top
i have tried wow but i dont like the screen that you have to use
Jul 22, 2013
If you insert it face up and do the Classic Pass quickly and cleanly enough, the card visually jumps to the top. I hope this isn't considered revealing a trick, as there are loads of videos on YouTube for it.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Are you looking for a slow rise kind of deal or an instant pop kind of thing?

I use a combination of methods to do a slow rise with the card face up. The major influences are Aaron Fisher's Graduate and Dan & Dave's Uzumaki.

A face up card passed to the top can be quite startling if done well.

I also use a variation of the Splat! Production which I learned from Jay Sankey's video, which puts the card face up on the top of the deck.

Any kind of side-steal/palm of the face up card works as well.
Oct 11, 2010
An obvious solution would be to have a dublicate, but that would then exclude a signature.

Another way to get a semi-visual jump without too anglely sleights would be to do a turnover pass. Which would also allow for the magic to happen in the spectators hands whilst having a signature.
Jul 29, 2013
I can tell you what I did in the past...

I took the signed card put it face up in the pack and toke a break under the card and then I did a "winter change" by john cornelius.

Hope it helped you in anyway.
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