Fake Monarchs

Nov 17, 2010
I recently saw a bundle of five monarchs on ebay for the low price of $21 and free shipping. I was taken in by the low price, I contacted the dealer and asked if they were new. The dealer confirmed that they were new and I immediately bought them. I had my concerns that it was a scam, but everything checked out. The dealer had a high rating, lived in the U.S, but the one thing that caught my attention was that there was no information on the ebay page about the cards, besides that they were Theory11 monarchs. When the cards came today I opened them and my first reaction was that none of the cards had that red seal. My concern began to deepen and I took them out of the cellophane and rubbed the boxes. The embossing seemed cheap. I have an old deck of sentinels so I expected the embossing to be the same or better. As I opened the box my heart sank. All of the cards are exactly the same as Theory11's but they feel like any cheap bicycle deck. I now realize my folly. I guess the old saying is true, "A sucker dies every minute to make room for a new one." I'm not exactly sure what to do. I know I will never get real monarchs, because I am a cheap skate, so I could keep these and just give the dealer bad feedback, or open a case against the dealer and return them. I hope others will learn from my mistake.
Apr 27, 2010
Is it possible that you expected them to be a certain way based on certain assumptions but that is just how the Monarchs are and that they are not faked?

What's the chances that someone who has a good rating, have the box and design that looks exactly like the Monarch and it's a fake? I think it may be more likely that your expectations were just overblown.
May 26, 2012
The only thing out of the ordinary was the lack of red deck seals. Otherwise I have to agree, I think you just expected too much of the white monarchs. Maybe post some pics so we can judge for ourselves?
Jun 14, 2012
Ebay is terribly saturated with fakes from great decks, jerrys nuggest are the worst and are open marketed as "re-prints" there has never been a re-print as ffar as i know there hasent
Jun 8, 2012
Same here

I bought the same 5 pack deal a couple weeks ago from michelle41411 and was initially suspicious that they were basically half price, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm a little embarrassed to say that I never thought anything about them being fake until I noticed today that they didn't have deck seals. Then this evening I dropped the deck I've been working with while I was changing and the bottom of the tuck case came open. Still I just thought "oh well, cheap glue". Then this evening by chance I was showing them to my brother in law trying to show him the difference between them and a bicycle deck and I thought it was odd that I really couldn't tell a difference even though at the same time I'm telling him that they are basically the best cards you can work with. That's when I got on here and found this post. I hate to get on here and bash anybody if they are real. (I must again shamefully admit, I've only handled regular bicycle decks in the past) All of this together though makes me awfully suspicious. Let me know if I'm off base please.
Nov 13, 2019
I had a similar experience.
I bought 2 Monarchs and 2 Artisans on Amazon marketplace, from a seller that seemed to be quite reputable and also, the product had 4.5 stars, so it didn't even crossed my mind that something wasn't right about it. But as soon as I received the package and opened the decks, I could tell that they were fakes, everything about them is absolutely terrible, until that moment it never crossed my mind that I would have the risk of getting counterfeits at all. Now I just hope that Amazon can help me with this situation so I can finally get the real Monarchs.

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
I had a similar experience.
I bought 2 Monarchs and 2 Artisans on Amazon marketplace, from a seller that seemed to be quite reputable and also, the product had 4.5 stars, so it didn't even crossed my mind that something wasn't right about it. But as soon as I received the package and opened the decks, I could tell that they were fakes, everything about them is absolutely terrible, until that moment it never crossed my mind that I would have the risk of getting counterfeits at all. Now I just hope that Amazon can help me with this situation so I can finally get the real Monarchs.

Hey all,

If you believe you have received counterfeit decks of cards on Amazon (or anywhere else), reach out to our support team at https://www.theory11.com/support. Let them know the following info:

- The link(s) you purchased the cards from
- The seller you purchased the cards from

They will likely ask you for photos. All of this will help us track down and eliminate counterfeit decks. We have had a few reports like this recently, and the more people who can help provide info on this the more we can do to fix the root problem.

You will also want to report the items to Amazon / eBay as counterfeit so you can get a refund for the cards.


// L


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Hey guys, thanks for the heads up on this! We'll pursue these counterfeit decks immediately, but need your help to do it. If you (or anyone you know) has purchased a deck on Amazon or eBay, or anywhere else that you believe counterfeit, send our support crew a message (here) and let us know all the details: a link to the page, who you bought it from, the seller's name, pictures of the deck (inside and out), and why you believe it's fake.

I know it's INCREDIBLY frustrating to get one of these in the mail, and we promise to do our best to squash it immediately. Our legal team is already on top of it. On our side, it's extremely painful to see our work - designs we worked for months and sometimes years creating - ripped off. We'll make sure that ends now. In the meantime, we suggest only purchasing from theory11 directly, our official Amazon page, or authorized retailers in your area: Target, Walgreens, or your local magic shop.

Above all, thanks for your help alerting us to this and with your help, we'll fight it and end it.
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