Favorite coin magician to watch

Sep 2, 2007
Hmmm. I am having a sudden great respect for Shoot Ogawa and Justin Miller. HOHO?


Justin Miller is really good, especially in Silver Dream, which I loved. He's one of my favorite to watch -- he's good, he's natural, and he's not only a magician, but also a performer/entertainer.

Sep 2, 2007
To me, the funniest coin magician is David Stone. Also, he has skills and good material.

The one that impressed me is Giacomo Bertini. This guy is amazing. Crazy !

Concerning David Roth, he has skills but I don't like his style. I don't find him entertaining.

Homer Liwag has the flashiest magic. It is like bang ! it disappears from there ! bang ! it reappears there !
Sep 1, 2007
David Stone and Mickey Silver. Everything Mickey does looks so real, natural, and fair. All of David's magic looks so beautiful, he has great style.
1. David Roth is the Master.

2.Dean Dill.

3. Homer Liwag.

Justin Miller is really awesome, but I've only seen him perform Silver Dream which was perfect. He's really makes it beatiful.

Jay Sankey actually has better coin magic than cacrd magic. He's a pretty awesome coin magician.

I haven't seen any performances from David Stone except for his 2 restaurant Dvd's preview, so I dont know.
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