Favorite Effect Type

Nov 29, 2008
What are your favorite types of effects? e.g. Transposition, gambling demonstration, mates finding, ace assembly. I sometimes have trouble figuring out what type of effect I want to do when making an effect. I have a whole switch sequence I combined with some moves I know, and I think its pretty deceptive, but I'm not really sure what I want to do with it, like how i want the effect to be structured with that as a part. For those of you that do create effects, how do you decide?
metal bending is my top favorite thing to do. because everyone has heard of bending metal with their minds, but hardly anyone has seen it done or even belives in it.
ive gotten better reactions from metal bending then anything else i do.

and for your second question, just do something that sounds cool. or take some moves you know and try to apply them.
just sleep on it a few days.
Sep 6, 2009
Just do something that fits your style. For example, I'm seen as a more "science" type of guy; not accepting anything unless there is ample prove. So I do tricks like ACR, Transposition and mates finding with bogus scienctific principles
My favorite effect by far is time travel. I love time travel plots. They have a very mystical sense about them. I love Gary Kurtz routine "hypothetical possibilitys(of a non-linear flow of time)". There are several extremely strong moments in it.

Jay Sankey's "back in time" is kinda neat too if i don't have as much time. (edit <pun not intended)

I also like to present things as pseudo-hypnosis. Well i don't present them as pseudo-hypnosis, i present them as real hypnosis, but of course, its bull hence the "pseudo". For example, I'll tell people that they're gonna see the card change and then hand it them and say that they only saw what they wanted to see and that it never really changed, at which point they flip it over and see what i mean.
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