Favorite Magician?

Sep 4, 2013
Ok, well I was thinking about personal magic styles and that maybe who your favorite magician is can influence your specific field of magic. So, I wanted to get your feedback, who is your favorite magician and do you think they have played a big part in developing your magic style?

I know mine personally is Apollo Robbins, even though he is technically a sleight of hand/ pickpocket. He is the reason I got into magic. I was fascinated by the way he could just take things from people without them noticing and manipulate their attention.

Alright, can't wait to hear back!

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
I have some influences...

Jeff Mcbride... he inspired me to get into stage magic without reliyng to much in props...but in your skills..
Lance Burton... He inspired me on a good character... charismatic, relaxed, funny...but very magical..
Derren Brown... He inspired me to do mentalism...and how he can make it very visual and entertaining..
Tommy Wonder... he inspired me to create my magic and be original..
Einseheim (Edward Norton in the Ilusionist)... that character inspired me to be very intriging and minimalistic..less is more...

I think lots more inspired me in different aspects of my magic..but those are the main ones!!
Apr 17, 2013
Slydini - for how cool and smooth he went about his magic.
Ricky Jay - for writing some great books on the history of odd acts and for acting and looking just like my father.
Tom Claytor - My mentor who got me started.
Dorian Gray - Toledo Ohio magician who has a great sponge ball act.
Karl Fulves - For putting together the Pallbearer Review
Raistlin Majere - Fictional wizard from Dragonlance whose mannerisms were a part of my character early on
Jul 13, 2010
Cardini - He hasn`t influenced my magic directly. I only know him for his manipulation, which ironically is something I´m not very interested in, neither watching nor doing. But I can watch him for hours.
Tommy Wonder and Fred Kaps - My idealization of a "perfect" magician. Style, performance, delivery, dexterity.
Juan Tamariz and Woody Aragon - Remind me to never forget that it`s all about loving what you do.
Darwin Ortiz - inspired me to reconsider my performances.
Aug 18, 2013
Walter Irving Scott: For his second deal.
Jason England: For his style.
Dai Vernon for his contributions to magic.
And Steve Forte for being the best.
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Sep 4, 2013
I think its great that everyone is putting more than one magician. That's how it should be, just mix in different styles and come up with your own great persona. I don't recognize all these magicians but some of them I've definitely heard of. For example Vernon, Penn and Teller, and Slydini. But I will have to look up the rest :)
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