February: What are you working on?

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
We are all busy on a project, a sleight, a flourish, a gig, finding that special deck; the magic and cardistry community does not rest.

So I ask this: what are you working on for the month of February? Do you have a goal in mind? A project you're working on? Or just getting better at a move or moves?
Nov 10, 2014
Mine is less mechanic focused than usual. There is a local magician who I have managed to get a hold of who I am seeking to meet up with and expand knowledge to whatever he can give me. Here is a pretty nice performance of his.

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
I might as well throw my hat in the ring.

Right now, I'm big into coin magic. I'm working on:
- Classic Palm
- Retention Vanish
- Backpalm
- Muscle Pass

Thanks to @RealityOne. I'm getting much better with my confidence at working on coin magic. It's always when you start that's the hardest.

I'm also working on a couple of card flourish tutorials for the Wire. I've been neck deep in Bobo's so I haven't really done much with them since before Christmas. But one is an 'Erdnase Go Round' variant, and the other is a 'Rinzler' variant. My goal is to get the 'Rinzler' variant a LOT faster and more polished, but I THINK that's going to be a stretch. We will see.

But mainly, I'm placing the main focus this month into coins, coins, coins; and not getting down in the dumps by them because coin magic is REALLY not a 'quick results' magic genre.
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Oct 19, 2015
I am working on sponge ball magic, simple stuff that requires slight of hand and lots of practice. From this I will start doing some coin work using some of the same hand work....this all is just fundamental classical magic and I am determined to get very good at it...in time. I have a couple of books and a DVD that are very helpful. My hands are small for an adult and being 65 my hands are stiff from past injuries, but as I work on this they are getting stronger and more flexible...so not only technique but fundamental strength is necessary....all fun and frustrating at the same time....
I released my first 'ebook' in January and, spurred on by the very positive feedback I received, I have decided to write up some of my other routines.

Right now, my big 'thing' is to try and get my 'Royal Oil' routine written up (performance video here if your interested). I made a post on Facebook stating it would be released in February, the reasoning being that if I put the 'deadline' out there in public, it would encourage me to just get on with it rather than procrastinating like I normally do! First draft is done (3000 words!) but this one is definitely going to need some pictures and perhaps some additional 'linked videos' to breakdown a few elements, so much more of a project than my first modest offering!

If there is one thing I've learned from all of this, it is that the guys like Lorayne, Bannon, Guastaferro etc who put out books on a regular basis deserve a lot more credit that they get. Writing magic is much harder than those guys make it look!

Great fun though!

On another note, I've also been working on an idea for a miniaturised 'card through window' type effect using the cellophane of the card box. Yes, I know there have been a few of these over the years, but this comes at the plot from a bit of an unusual angle in that it's not strictly the card which penetrates the cellophane. It's also pretty much self-working.... I don't really want to give too much away until I've worked out the kinks, but I'm just excited to share it!

Other than that, just the usual reading, learning, mucking about with cards and trying not to spend too much money on magic books!


Khaleel Olaiky

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2013
I filmed a video and I'm editing it now, what I believe that it's a very new thing.
without giving much away, it's basicly a VFX magic related video so, get ready for it guys :)
6 hours of filming and a lot to edit in the next week or so.
I'm just hoping I can make it the way I imagined it. (which is probably not going to happen:()
Jun 13, 2013
I'm working on a book about cardini change based sleight and it's going good from now I have:
Tenkai palm
Longitudinal palm
Classic palm
Gamblers cop a lot of this one's.
Double cardini change
Cardini control to the top
Cardini control to the bottom
Cardini turn over control
Cardini scissors cut
And yeah a lot more of them all using cardini why? Because I love the cardini change
Dec 21, 2015
COMPLETELY mastering my false deals:

  • Bottom card
  • Second card
  • Greek deal
Making a modified cover for my pass and working on something I call "The reverse charlier cut".

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Nothing special going on in February except that my brother has a birthday on the 21st. So I'll see if I can make something special out of playing cards. Aside from that I'll just be practicing my Pass, Chops , and False Deals.

Dean Magic

Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
My friends and I have been continuing to work on our new youtube channel and just uploaded our second video this month. We have some cool ideas for future videos that we plan to keep working on. I have also been trying to learn new flourishes and have even started creating a few of my own.


Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
Pi Ring on Rubber band. Highly recommended by the way, a couple of the phases look great. And also working on getting my hand healed from my "Bowtie" injury. I think I'm going to have to leave that flashy stuff to the younger flourishers from now on. Though I may get tempted back, it looks so nice... Once my hand is better it will be back to the tabled faros.

And Mnemonica. I haven't spent much time with it the last few weeks, but it's been my rotations of things I work on for a while now. I have it pretty much down, but getting it solid every time is taking some work.
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