Feeling Discouraged-Need Advice


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey

I've watched several of your videos tonight and see one glaring problem. The presentation for every video is narrating what you are doing with the props - "here is a deck of cards, the cards are different, pick a card, show your card...." "here is a rope, here is a scissors." You also repeatedly highlight the existence of methods by talking about what you aren't doing and about how your props are normal and how your audience inspects them. This is very much what Eugene Burger calls narrating the adventures of the props in your hands. Nobody finds it interesting what a deck of cards does. It is a mere trick. There is no magic. I'll be brutally honest, I couldn't watch the videos to the end... there was nothing there that was entertaining. There was no plot, no patter, no personality, nothing.

Magic is entertaining, not because of the trick but because of the magician. Where are you in these effects? What I see is purchase effects performed with say-do-see patter. Look at Brett's performances for examples - notice he doesn't mention the props at all?

Go buy Henning Nelm's Magic and Showmanship. Read it. If you have more money to spare, get Eugune Burger's Mastering the Art of Magic.

most people on the internet are NOT real...

Yes, but if you practice being fictional long enough you tend not to notice the difference.
Feb 15, 2014
I would also suggest getting an instagram account. I know that you can only post 15 second videos, but you can get a lot of inspiration and feedback since there is a very awesome community of magicians on there. My instagram: nathaniel_weaver_
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