FINALLY - A New 1-on-1!


theory11 artist
Aug 31, 2007
Thank god it was not another Chris Kenner 1-on-1. I am so tired of that guy. It is nice to see a change.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Thank god it was not another Chris Kenner 1-on-1. I am so tired of that guy. It is nice to see a change.

Damn it, VWind beat me to what I was gonna say. He thinks he's so cool and stuff, but honestly... (<3)

The production wowed me, especially the first one, although I've never really gotten into coins, very impressive! Well done guys, and never could've guessed Doug...
Jul 15, 2008
just a note about the actual 1on1 tho... doesn't ANYONE who's done any little bit of coin magic easily know the method for this? because I don't even do coin magic and I saw through it right away...
May 16, 2008
just a note about the actual 1on1 tho... doesn't ANYONE who's done any little bit of coin magic easily know the method for this? because I don't even do coin magic and I saw through it right away...

Yes I haven't even been doing coin magic for a month and I know everything he does. If you know any basic coin palms you can figure it out. That's why I am disappointed
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Yes but...

a) The 1-on-1 teaches you much more than you could ever do by yourself. If you practiced that for a year, you still would not have the subtleties required for it.

b) It teaches technique, where, whilst you might technically have it down, you can't actually perform it. For example, many people "know" how to cull cards, me included, but those people couldn't actually do it in a live performance situation. To know the mechanics and to be taught it for performance are two very different things.

c) Just because you do doesn't mean everyone else does - although, it's fair enough that you personally may be able to see the technique, keep in mind that in catering for beginners, especially to coin magic which is less known than card magic, they have to teach basic stuff as well as complex.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
VWind said:
doesn't ANYONE who's done any little bit of coin magic easily know the method for this? because I don't even do coin magic and I saw through it right away...

Is the goal with your magic to fool people that know coin magic techniques - or spectators? praetoritevong brings up a great point. The 1-on-1's are not and never designed with the goal to fool magicians after multiple viewings of the content. If you watch any sleight of hand effect in slow motion video multiple times, it's more often than not fairly easy to figure out.

In this case, I've got the high resolution footage in front of me full screen in HD, and I can't see a thing - not a flash, not a tip. But the goal is to offer instruction on a wide variety of creative, highly useful moves and effects - and this is it. It's a new, original technique that fries people and can be applied to pretty much any coin magic routine. Further, he teaches TWO hand washes in the video and the Jimmy Wilson Grip (1947) - and all of the details that go into each. Doug was first taught the JWG years ago by Homer Liwag, another icon of coin and close-up magic. For anyone interested in coin magic - this instruction, especially from a true professional, is gold.

Doug is one of the foremost close-up performers in the world today, in addition to being one of the 3 magic producers for DB. He's fooled the heck out of me more times than I care to admit in the past week. But please respect him by not judging the value of a 1-on-1 on how much it fools magicians after multiple views and dissections, but the creativity within it - and value, utility, and application of the content.
Sep 1, 2007
Is the goal with your magic to fool people that know coin magic techniques - or spectators? praetoritevong brings up a great point. The 1-on-1's are not and never designed with the goal to fool magicians after multiple viewings of the content. If you watch any sleight of hand effect in slow motion video multiple times, it's more often than not fairly easy to figure out.

In this case, I've got the high resolution footage in front of me full screen in HD, and I can't see a thing - not a flash, not a tip. But the goal is to offer instruction on a wide variety of creative, highly useful moves and effects - and this is it. It's a new, original technique that fries people and can be applied to pretty much any coin magic routine. Further, he teaches TWO hand washes in the video and the Jimmy Wilson Grip (1947) - and all of the details that go into each. Doug was first taught the JWG years ago by Homer Liwag, another icon of coin and close-up magic. For anyone interested in coin magic - this instruction, especially from a true professional, is gold.

Doug is one of the foremost close-up performers in the world today, in addition to being one of the 3 magic producers for DB. He's fooled the heck out of me more times than I care to admit in the past week. But please respect him by not judging the value of a 1-on-1 on how much it fools magicians after multiple views and dissections, but the creativity within it - and value, utility, and application of the content.
Someone have been pwned :p Great post Bayme, its amazing what Doug can do, I think I have his DVD of the bill change lying somewhere in my house, he is very creative though :)
JB brings up some very good points.

I read all the bollocks about this 1 on 1 as i was waiting for it to download and when i watched it I was laughing my ass off. Doug teaches so much and so many subtleties, that all those that reckon they can do this just from watching the demo are doing nothing but pissing in the wind.

This is why I believe the guys here should save themselves the trouble of these 1 on 1's and go to the pub many people on here do not deserve the effort and the trouble taken to teach them some seriously good stuff.

And for the record....since Chris Kenner hasn't been mentioned in at least ten minutes....

When is Totally Out of Control coming out?

Even having the book and loving it does not stop me from foaming at the mouth at the prospect of having this DVD set.

Sep 3, 2007
JB brings up some very good points.

I read all the bollocks about this 1 on 1 as i was waiting for it to download and when i watched it I was laughing my ass off. Doug teaches so much and so many subtleties, that all those that reckon they can do this just from watching the demo are doing nothing but pissing in the wind.

This is why I believe the guys here should save themselves the trouble of these 1 on 1's and go to the pub many people on here do not deserve the effort and the trouble taken to teach them some seriously good stuff.

And for the record....since Chris Kenner hasn't been mentioned in at least ten minutes....

When is Totally Out of Control coming out?

Even having the book and loving it does not stop me from foaming at the mouth at the prospect of having this DVD set.


I posted a short review on this effect before reading this thread. Now, after reading this thread it makes me wonder what these people think magic is about. I had an idea how it was done because I've seen a lot of coin sleights. The truth is, If you do a basic coin production to laypeople they wonder. They don't usually act like little kids and have their mind going back and forth to figure out the how.

Saddening in my opinion.
Is the goal with your magic to fool people that know coin magic techniques - or spectators? praetoritevong brings up a great point. The 1-on-1's are not and never designed with the goal to fool magicians after multiple viewings of the content. If you watch any sleight of hand effect in slow motion video multiple times, it's more often than not fairly easy to figure out.

In this case, I've got the high resolution footage in front of me full screen in HD, and I can't see a thing - not a flash, not a tip. But the goal is to offer instruction on a wide variety of creative, highly useful moves and effects - and this is it. It's a new, original technique that fries people and can be applied to pretty much any coin magic routine. Further, he teaches TWO hand washes in the video and the Jimmy Wilson Grip (1947) - and all of the details that go into each. Doug was first taught the JWG years ago by Homer Liwag, another icon of coin and close-up magic. For anyone interested in coin magic - this instruction, especially from a true professional, is gold.

Doug is one of the foremost close-up performers in the world today, in addition to being one of the 3 magic producers for DB. He's fooled the heck out of me more times than I care to admit in the past week. But please respect him by not judging the value of a 1-on-1 on how much it fools magicians after multiple views and dissections, but the creativity within it - and value, utility, and application of the content.
Just watched it and i still saw him flash.
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