Finger Ring Magic

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
Okay. A few days ago, I bought the tutorial for 'Ring Throw' and I've been mesmerized by ring flourishes and ring magic since.

But there doesn't seem to be too much out there for ring magic. It seems like it has some similarities to coin magic principles (and maybe Thimble magic).

But all I have is a lone wedding band. For finger ring magic, what should I get as far as rings go? How loose should a ring for ring magic be? How many should I pick up?

And what are some good sources to read and/or acquire. Where is a good place to get some 'starter' rings from?


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
If you are looking for flourishes, I would check out "DeRing" by D'Vo

As for ring magic itself...

"Ring thing" by Garrett Thomas is a classic.
"Circuit" by Zach Heath is pretty cool (comes with a bonus "Closed Circuit" which I use in all of my shows.)
"If you already perform chinese linking rings or some variation thereof, I suggest "Ninja Plus" by Matthew Garrett.

Well that is all for ring stuff that I have. haha

Here is a video I made awhile back featuring "Ring Thing," "Closed Circuit," and "Ninja Plus."

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Apr 18, 2016
I have found the same principles apply to rings that apply to coins. I prefer silver, and have found thrift stores to be an excellent source. If you can find two of the same, so much the better. They should be loose enough to remove with the hand that is wearing it. I hope this has helped.



Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
I have found the same principles apply to rings that apply to coins. I prefer silver, and have found thrift stores to be an excellent source. If you can find two of the same, so much the better. They should be loose enough to remove with the hand that is wearing it. I hope this has helped.


I second that. I also have found Tungsten Carbide to work best as far as weight and durability are concerned. They are about $20 usually. I have dropped mine about 50 times and it looks the same as the day I bought it!
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Apr 18, 2016
I second that. I also have found Tungsten Carbide to work best as far as weight and durability are concerned. They are about $20 usually. I have dropped mine about 50 times and it looks the same as the day I bought it!
I hadn't thought to consider tungsten carbide, very good idea. Thanks for the tip.



Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
If you want some good ideas for ring magic you get Divorce by Justin Miller, Reflex by Patrick Kun and Lock, Stock, and Riot by Peter McKinnon. I don't go a day without performing ring magic because I have been wearing an awesome celtic ring for years!

Davis West

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2013
The ring that is supplied with Gregory Wilson's "Bandwidth" is PERFECT for ring magic!


Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
I like Pi: Ring on band. I think a couple of the phases look really nice and I enjoy practicing it. I dream of combining this with Ninja Plus mentioned above, though I do not own that yet. Ninja Plus comes with a tungsten carbide ring, but some dealers will only send you a random size. Ringja looks like fun too, take a look if you haven't yet.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
I like Pi: Ring on band. I think a couple of the phases look really nice and I enjoy practicing it. I dream of combining this with Ninja Plus mentioned above, though I do not own that yet. Ninja Plus comes with a tungsten carbide ring, but some dealers will only send you a random size. Ringja looks like fun too, take a look if you haven't yet.

Message Matthew Garrett directly and he will give you the ring for the specific size you need!
May 9, 2015
For ring magic, De'Vo and Ring thing are great places to start. Once you get used to manipulating the ring, Ringja by Nie Te (available from penguinmagic) is an excellent set of impromptu tricks to elevate your routines. I've also been looking for more impromptu ring effects. I'm also looking for more impromptu ring effects, like circuit maybe, but it's close to an effect on Ring theory by antoine Thomas and idk if circuit can be done with class rings or similar styled rings
Aug 25, 2016
I actually have developed a few ring effects, but I am unsure of how good they are. Some that I have seen are not as good. Check out Reflex by Patrick Kun, and Band-it by Kris Nevling. Pete Mckinnon has a contribution on Lock stock and riot.
Aug 25, 2016
If you are looking for flourishes, on Metal by Eric Jones, there is a nice flourish that was originally used for a ring, but used for a coin. Same Idea applies.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
The ring that is supplied with Gregory Wilson's "Bandwidth" is PERFECT for ring magic!

Greg Wilson likes to wear his ring on his thumb for sizing. He has some great ring magic, I want to say on his Off the Cuff and On the Spot DVD's. Jay Sankey has the Mecuring. Dan Hauss has the "Growing Ring". If you like flourishes check out De'vo's Ring flourishes on Ellusionist. Ninja Ring plus is so awesome! An examinable linking ring!
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