
Sep 1, 2007
Let me put it this way:

You have 78 videos on your account. 34 were posted within the last week. In a week there are 7 days. You posted 5.3 videos per day. THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT.

Stop posting so many videos. Take the time to learn an effect really well THEN post it. I refuse to believe that you in any way have 78 effects that you know inside out and cleanly. Especially seeing as how that first video was posted a mere 5 months ago.

Do you know how many videos Jordan Lapping has? 23. Do you know when he posted his first video? Over 2 YEARS ago.

Practice before you post anything else. There's a reason the guys who are smooth are smooth and its because they take their time.

That's all.

Dec 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Let me put it this way:

You have 78 videos on your account. 34 were posted within the last week. In a week there are 7 days. You posted 5.3 videos per day. THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT.

Stop posting so many videos. Take the time to learn an effect really well THEN post it. I refuse to believe that you in any way have 78 effects that you know inside out and cleanly. Especially seeing as how that first video was posted a mere 5 months ago.

Do you know how many videos Jordan Lapping has? 23. Do you know when he posted his first video? Over 2 YEARS ago.

Practice before you post anything else. There's a reason the guys who are smooth are smooth and its because they take their time.

That's all.


He just wants some ideas on how to improve the effect, you don't need to rip on him just because he puts a ton of videos. What's even wrong with that? If I learned a bunch of effects, I'd want to put them up. He's just looking for help. :|
Apr 28, 2008
He just wants some ideas on how to improve the effect, you don't need to rip on him just because he puts a ton of videos. What's even wrong with that? If I learned a bunch of effects, I'd want to put them up. He's just looking for help. :|

He's posted an obscene amount of videos, many need a lot of work. He seems to have little interest in actually perfecting any routine. This is not a good approach to magic. It's impossible to learn so many routines well in a short space of time and certainly not possible to be constantly refining them. This is starting to irritate people.

He's looking for help and he's getting it, it's just probably not what he wants to hear.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Practicing with a camera is great... But keep the videos in your own practice archive - but being able to watch yourself perform is great. Many things you should be able to realise just from watching yourself, that you can't tell when you're actually in the middle of the routine.
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