French kiss as stage trick?

Jul 31, 2015
i am goin to be performing at a restraunt on a little platform stage with maybe 10 tables around. I want to perform French Kiss but I no it will b hard for some ppl to c. I can't really find jumbo cards. I was thinking if I just used my blank deck cards and have a spectator come on stage give them lik a red marker and have them design the card how they want and then I jus use a different color like green for mine so the when it is revealed they switched it will be obviously noticeable
Any suggestions?
Jul 31, 2015
French Kiss works great on stage. Here's one version.
Yea I saw tht right after I posted this thanks for you reply. And what is ur thoughts on ambitious card on stage using a blank deck and havin the. Design it anyway they waNt using a color sharpie so the audience can see?

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
Yea I saw tht right after I posted this thanks for you reply. And what is ur thoughts on ambitious card on stage using a blank deck and havin the. Design it anyway they waNt using a color sharpie so the audience can see?
I wouldn't do the Ambitious card. The props are too small. With French Kiss you can use people to illustrate what is happening. I don't see an ambitious card being easy to convey on stage without a projector like Shawn Farquhar uses.
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