Funniest Reactions?

Nov 8, 2007
Performed loads of short and sweet tricks...

2 card monte - mostly "what the f***, how did you do that?It's in my hand all the time??'
Renegade - 'I'll kiss your ass for that trick'
Cyril's Hersheys Chocolate magic - 'Sweet... thanks for the chocolate'
Subway by D&D - 'Bring me to London Bridge please...' (was in london underground)
Ambitious card trick - *silence*......... and ran away...... :):):)
Brainwave - 'You f*ing serious?'
Fish sandwhich - 'that was quick... i'll buy you ice cream...'
Once upon a time by Guy Hollingworth - *Children went mad...... about Cinderella come alive*

and more.. forgot.........

Oct 27, 2007
I done a trick to a friend and he jumped out of his chair and started yelling "Witchcraft!!!! Holy S***!!! How the F***" Then turned arround and started running away.
Last Halloween my English teacher let me put on a mini show for my class and I had a few of my best reactions there. I did Staked at one point on my friend who was in on it, and everyone freaked out, swearing and calling me the devil, and the fact that I was a goth back then just made that hillarious to me, I also did SAW and the wiregrams along with some other stuff, the rest of the class never really saw me the same anymore. :D Now people call me Criss Angel and scream MIKEFREAK! instead of mindfreak and go, o.o "show me magic tricks please!" I've had alot of good reactions but that class last year stood out in my mind
Oct 23, 2007
i broke someones toe.i did my tab in can and the helper was holding the can and i made it melt threw she saw it happan then droped the can on some else toe and she was told she broke it lol
Mitchell, i'de kill to see that on youtube...

I had a friend say he was going to go throw up after a card to wallet... hehehe (Connected without the restoration... ha)

Part of it is on Youtube, I didn't feel like bleeping out all of the swear words. (at the end, reactions to Factory Sealed). There is a cut in the middle of the guy in red's reaction, he was swearing profusely during that cut... along with the swearing that could be heard in the video. Not to mention the swearing that came out of his mouth the days after in the classes I had with him.

Sep 2, 2007
I did Greg rostami's Cosmos
The girl said, "o, I've seen this before"

But after the trick was done they started screaming and ran out of the room

Also got "you're god" and loud screams from here and there
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