So if you perform enough, it's going to happen at some point. Eventually you are going to mess an effect up at a show, event, etc. and there is no out at all. You either laugh it off and move on or hope that you can get yourself out of it.
Let's hear them
I'll start with one from last weekend. I had 3 shows on Saturday and thank goodness the screw up was at the unpaid bar gig for a bunch of friends.
1.) Last weekend I was at a bar doing a close up performance (unpaid thank goodness) and I get to my mental photography deck routine. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the deck, show it entirely blank on both sides and go through all of my lines, script, blah blah blah. I wave the female spectator wave her hand over the deck to print the first card and nothing happens.
I lift up and reveal still a blank card. Thinking to myself, "Oh...I didn't have the deck square and just missed on the pickup." I had her try the other hand. Nothing! Now I too am shocked and embarrassed. Yikes.
I quickly step back and dribble the cards noticing that I grabbed my completely blank deck that I will leave out in case a spectator wants to see or grab the mental deck after my performance. I do a deck switch and casually leave it out so someone can grab it and look through the deck and finds nothing. Little did I know, the joke was on me this time. Ha Ha.
Let's hear them
1.) Last weekend I was at a bar doing a close up performance (unpaid thank goodness) and I get to my mental photography deck routine. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the deck, show it entirely blank on both sides and go through all of my lines, script, blah blah blah. I wave the female spectator wave her hand over the deck to print the first card and nothing happens.
I lift up and reveal still a blank card. Thinking to myself, "Oh...I didn't have the deck square and just missed on the pickup." I had her try the other hand. Nothing! Now I too am shocked and embarrassed. Yikes.
I quickly step back and dribble the cards noticing that I grabbed my completely blank deck that I will leave out in case a spectator wants to see or grab the mental deck after my performance. I do a deck switch and casually leave it out so someone can grab it and look through the deck and finds nothing. Little did I know, the joke was on me this time. Ha Ha.