Gambling Protection Series - Steve Forte

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Sep 1, 2007
Hey everyone this is only my second review, so of course things will be left out and it won't be extremely organized like yours but i'll try my best.

Item: Gambling Protection Series
Artist: Steve Forte
Purchase: Dan and Dave's site
Price: $100

Content: G.P.S. (Gambling Protection Series) is a 4 disk DVD set. The series was never intended to teach people how to cheat, but rather to protect them from cheaters.

Disc 1:

Gaffed Overview

False Shuffles

* False Shuffles Intro
* Break Shuffle
* Break Shuffle 2
* Chop Shuffle
* Slip Shuffle
* Top Stock Control 1
* Top Stock Control 2
* Full Deck Control 1
* Full Deck Control 2
* Protection Tips


* Pickup Stack
* Haymow Stack
* Formula Stack
* Chop Stack
* Misc Stack
* In-the-hands Riffle Stack
* Tabled Riffle Stack
* Four-in-one Stack
* Interlace Stack
* Protection Tips

Beating the Cut

* Classic Shift
* Tabled Hop 1
* In-the-hands Hop
* Table-Edge Hop
* Hitting a Brief
* Scrape Cut
* Small Packet False Cut
* The Stall
* Single Card Crimp
* Riffle Crimp
* In-the-hands Bridge
* Riffle Crimp 2
* Protection Tips

Disc 2:

Gaffed Cards

* Gambling Catalog Pages
* Blockout Work – Bee
* Blockout Work – Bicycle
* Cutout Work
* Flash Work
* Luminous Readers
* Trims
* Belly Strippers
* Waving
* Bending
* Nail Nick
* Sand Work
* Buckle Work
* Daubing
* Protection Tips


* Bubble Peek
* Back Peek
* Southpaw Peek
* Stock Peek
* Top Peek
* Bottom Peek
* Squeeze Peek
* Flashing – Gap Peek
* Left-handed Flash
* V-Peek

Misc. Techniques

* Goosenecking
* Shiners
* Crossfiring
* Top Hand
* Anchor Play
* Bridge Signals
* Classic Signals
* Electronics
* Protection Tips

False Dealing

* Strike Second Deal
* Push-off Second Deal
* One-handed Seconds
* Bottom Deal
* Stud Bottom
* One-hand Bottom
* Loosening Action
* Center Deal
* Protection Tips

Disc 3:


* Gambler’s Palm
* Top Palm
* Cut Cop
* Shuffle Cop
* Bottom Card Cop
* Shuffle Cop 2

Holdouts & Mucking

* Holdout Locations
* Keplinger
* Blackjack Muck 1
* Blackjack Muck 2
* Single Card Muck
* Three for Three Exchange
* Protection Tips

The Cold Deck

* Cut Cooler
* Lap Cooler
* Brush Cooler
* Protection Tips

Misc. Techniques

* Dealing Known Hole Cards
* Cheaters’ Code
* The Brush
* Capping the Deck
* Discard Switch
* Five For Five Switch
* Check Cop
* Poker Cooler
* Protection Tips

Gin Rummy

* Counterfeit Meld
* Playing Heavy 1
* Playing Heavy 2
* Playing Heavy 3
* Clean-up 1
* Clean-up 2
* Location Work
* Protection Tips


* Hole Card Switch
* Turnover
* Gaffed Shoes
* Leaf Hops
* Hi-Low Shuffle
* Blackjack Bottom
* Check Moves
* Protection Tips


* Dealing the Bevel
* Signals
* Location
* Signals
* Location
* Inplay Cooler
* Protection Tips

Disc 4:

Crooked Dice

* Overview
* Flats
* Bevels
* Edge Work
* Tops
* Weight
* Magnetic Dice
* Protection Tips


* Thumb Switch
* Palm Switch
* Money Switch
* Coat Switch
* Single Die Switch
* Protection Tips

Controlled Shots

* Whip Shot
* Helicopter Shot
* Pad Roll
* Spin Shot
* Protection Tips

Cups & Backgammon Moves

* Slick Cup
* Butterfly Cup
* Single Die Holdout 1
* Single Die Holdout 2
* Single Die Holdout 3
* Single Die Holdout 4
* Two Dice Holdout
* Dump Shot
* Liar’s Dice
* Backgammon
* Protection Tips

Who is Steve Forte?
Steve is widely considered to be the foremost authority/consultant in the world on casino game protection. Although retired from the consulting business for over 10 years now, he is still sought-after by casinos and private firms for his expertise and knowledge. Steve authored two of the best books in the business on cheating: Casino Game Protection and Poker Protection. Both books are considered the standards by which all other game protection books are measured. Other books and projects are in various stages of development. [1]

Are the moves taught, or just demonstrated, in the GPS series?
The moves are not ‘taught’ in the conventional sense. There are no “put this finger there and that finger there” instructions. However, the goal of the original series was to understand the techniques in order to be able to spot them, and almost every technique is shown from angles that facilitate learning the core move. Put another way, if you were a serious golfer, do you think you could learn anything from watching almost 6 hours of Tiger Woods swinging his driver from a dozen different angles? When it’s all said and done, there is a massive amount of technique, rhythm and handling touches to be learned from this series.[1]

My thoughts:

Disk 1 (False shuffling, stacking, and beating the cut):
First of all, in all of the videos, they are all very clear to understand. I enjoyed this disk, although most of these moves I will never use, it may be VERY useful for though who do play poker on a Friday night with friends or what not.

Disk 2 (Gaffed/marked cards, peeks, misc., and false dealing):
One thing I must say that if you are looking at the list of moves and want to actually learn these in depth, I do not suggest this DVD unless you are more advanced with most techniques. Buy Jason England's Foundations or the separate moves for false dealing. This DVD does a wonderful job showing the differences of a regular and false deal so you know if someone is cheating. The gaffed and marked cards section was VERY interesting, most I never knew about. There's a lot of interesting peeks, and you can take most of these moves and incorporate them into your magic.

Disk 3 (Palming, holdouts/mucking, cold decks, misc., rummy, blackjack, bridge):

Everything was very informational. The palming was good, learning from different perspectives. The cold deck switch outs very cool and interesting, these could make magic even more magical. Very good explanations, many views of everything shown, you could definitely learn most things on here from watching this.

Disk 4 (Dice):
To be honest, I've only skimmed this DVD, not much of a dice person and haven't been interested in dice games or stacking or anything of such.

I loved them, they are totally worth the money and the time. You will learn so much you won't remember half of it (so you watch it again) haha. I suggest this to anyone, no matter what you do, flourishing, magic, sleights, anything. This will help your dexterity and knowledge of cards.

I rate this DVD set 8/10
Only because it doesn't exactly TEACH things, but you can learn anything on here from watching over and over and using your own knowledge.


[1] - Dan and Dave's overview
Sep 1, 2007
For those of you who are interested in hardcore sleight of hand, I HIGHLY recommend you check out these dvds. Adding these "gambling" sleights in with your magic will do nothing but help make you better.
Sep 10, 2017
I really consider these to be an artform. The same way that people what paintings and admire them,when i see a skilled card handler and how fluently they control the cards i can do nothing but admire them. If you are like me, even for the sake of watching and enjoying it is a good thing to buy.
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