Gimmick Decks VS. Regular Deck

Jul 28, 2013
I don't like gimmicked decks because i feel like then the magic is self working and anyone can do it. But in a regular deck u need to practice!!!
Sep 1, 2007
the magic is self working and anyone can do it.

So what? An audience isn't supposed to know how much practice went into your presentation. They don't care. You either did enough for it to look good, or you didn't. And even with self-working effects, you still need to know how to present to an audience. You still need to have showmanship. And contrary to what many amateurs think, performing is not easy. It takes... wait for it... constant practice to be charismatic enough to consistently win over your spectators.

The reality is that the method is irrelevant. What matters is whether the magician himself is worth watching.
Jun 2, 2013
I also vouch for the concept of lying. As long as you make it sound real, it's all good. Once, I was asked to perform tricks when I only had my Arcane deck on me (I normally prefer rider backs). I actually opened up saying that the deck was magical (because the deck know...ARCANE). I then did an ACR and a bunch of card transposing, while talking about the different abilities of the deck and many people of the audience ended up seriously believe that the deck was "magical"...(Age group 18-21)
Aug 5, 2013
I also vouch for the concept of lying. As long as you make it sound real, it's all good. Once, I was asked to perform tricks when I only had my Arcane deck on me (I normally prefer rider backs). I actually opened up saying that the deck was magical (because the deck know...ARCANE). I then did an ACR and a bunch of card transposing, while talking about the different abilities of the deck and many people of the audience ended up seriously believe that the deck was "magical"...(Age group 18-21)

When I show svengali-deck I like to say that it's electrical cards with nano-displays at the end of the trick. It fools audience much better if I say that it's a real magic.
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